The youngest is out in the rain today -- Not because he wanted to, but because the last job he had wasn't workin' out, so he's out and about thru the rain puddles, goin' to track down his W-2 form from an ex=employer, who has been avoiding his phone calls to round up his paper work for filing taxes. This particular company was reslly shaky from the start -- even made the employees PAY for the company van to take them to work...and then when my son tried 3 weeks ago to get his W-2 they said they didn't have anything for him...needless to say it's been an ongoing battle for the guy, so today he got something more of an answer from these people, and he was off to get to the bus stop and ride over to the office...then it's over to another place to get more paperwork from them, and make sure that all that information for his W-2 is correct...seems like too much crap to go thru just to file for the Tax Man...but everybody knows that if there is just ONE piece of paper missing, those slobs will be flyin' off the handle and smotherin' ya within 5 minutes.
I started a canvas the other afternoon. I took a gamble and decided to get some of the first coat of paint on it while waiting for some people to come and look at the house - yooowhooo -- got the canvas started, and the people did come and look over the house. The first realtor that showed the house had their client in and out of here in less than 10 minutes, so I don't think that was much of a serious look -- more like a look-ee-loo than anything. The second realtor came with her client and they really took their time, looked in closets and around floors, so they may be a little more serious...my stars -- I'm getting to where I feel like I can't get away from my mop and vacuum cleaner...have to keep the floors reeeaaallllyyy clean JUST IN CAST SOMEBODY SHOWS UP...makes me more tired than I like to consider.
Am going to go see what all those little fishies are up to out in the studio...they seemed to be getting restless earlier in the morning, an' now that it's close to lunchtime who knows what kind of trouble they've gotten themselves into....sheesh
Lady of The Tulips -- who almost got it figured out as to why her keyboard is being a mess as of last...but then The Youngest sez it's not worth all the bother...so what's a mother to do...