Wednesday, August 24, 2011

>> Sorry for no picture today <<

I'm somewhat shaken by the events of the last couple dayz, and my brain couldn't figure out what I wanted to download on here...sheesh.......

First we have that charming hurricane out in the atlantic..looking to bear down on us..sometime during the weekend..probably a Cat. 3 or so - winds over 110..YeeHaww!! ...

Then we had some of the ruuumbling of the earthquake yesterday that was centered in Mineral Va. - it felt like the kind of shake that somebody does when their trying to gently wake you up...something I'd not felt like since living in Calif. all those years ago ~ Very strange, yet so familiar. Till I realized "We're not in Cali. anymore!!" ~

So now, after having one of those horrible ph. calls w our mtg company..all rudeness and ugliee..always lookin' out for the bankers, rich folks and investers, never thinking THERE ARE PEOPLE IN THESE HOUSES YOU SELFISH JERkS!!!

Sorry..I really Do Not Like Them ~

I a still literally shaking from the phone call - I can no longer deal with the ugly way they are - always rude - trained to be rude ?? ~ WHY ~

So I'm attempting to get some art ART!! ~ Done ~ It's such a terrible thing when all I want to do and have a strong desire to do is my art - to continue painting, getting things done on a canvas that looks nice, gives a feeling of comfort..yet all these other things, and people filled with evil and hatred jus' bearing down on me...I am left drained and wishing for it all to go away ~

When I get this other painting finished I will post it - yeah yeah..I keep saying that, but the camera of mine is 1/2 dead..and the one I borrowed is not as "EASY!" as the manufacturer sez it is...ahh the learning curve of a new thing..never a snap to do! ~

But I will persevere!!! ~

Must got for now~!~

Lady of The Tulips

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