Monday, August 15, 2011

>> Sorry for no picture today..I'll try and make it better with a little bit of color for the print, will that be ok? <<

I just had one of those afternoons where it doesn't seem like there will ever be good news - all these corporations demanding something from me that does not exist...too much bad, always bad news to me, and I'm just wanting something good - is it wrong these days to want something good? ~ I'm beginning to think it is ~

I once belonged to an organization, where people there would tell me that to want something was indeed wrong - that "was being selfish!!" ~ I was to only consider things that were necessary, not some things that would be fun - nice - different. The people were absolutely evil, and had an amazing ability to absolutely deflate me at every opportunity. I withstood it for just so long, and when I made my leave of them, it was as if the sky opened out and truly a ray of light emerged over me ~ I honestly felt the sky smiling at that point, and I have chosen since then to be very aware of people who sap the very living depth of ones soul, the very core of a person..those are the kinds of people I avoid.

Yet, it seems that corporate america goes out of their way to make sure that they do crush the spirit of a person ~ I just had 2 telephone calls that were this way ~ It stunned me with the first, and by the second, I was and still am, completely deflated ~ I feel as if there was a huge boulder pushed on top of me..and the people giving me the bad news, telling me that I was wrong in not being able to do what they wanted me to do...this was the crushing - and it didn't stop 'till I hung up on the people.

I am very sorry this is not a positive post...but this is how it has been for me these last couple weeks - it's as if the time away is now looking like it never was...

But now I have to leave..interuptions...I am once again wrong in what I do...lord knows I'm exhausted........

Lady of The Tulips

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