> < 'k...I know that sometime's I may not feel like the sharpest marble in the bunch..well, actually I usually feel that way ~

But after I took a look at this picture today, I realized that sometimes it takes something like this to make me realize that I am just a vessel that seriously needs to be filled with something other than what I think is my smart brain..
I mean, LOOK AT THIS!! ~
I had thot that by saving a little bit of money, and waiting for a couple of days, I would "save" some cash, use something other than what the manufacturer calls for - to use in a dishwasher, an' then, oh yeah buddy, I'd be all cool and wonderful, an' be saving a "whole" lot of money..
Yee gadz....I think it's being called out on being a little bit self centered.."I" was being the smart one, instead of listening to that voice that is much wiser than I am, and the "I" said, "Oh, ho! ~ I KNOW what I'm doing..." - uhhhhmmmmm...
So here's the jist of it..in my selfishness, I "knew" what to do, and instead of just making a load of dishes nice and clean, an' then putting them away, and going back to my work in the studio, I (and that's the important thing here..) decided to get in my own blasted way, and with "my" knowledge, I went ahead and did something that IS NOT what your suposed to do...
I used regular liquid dish soap, and threw a bunch of it into the dispenser of the dishwasher, an' figured that nothing would happen, but my super-wonderful brain told me, Well! - look, these will turn out wonderful, an' look how you'll save money, an' be just the best little housewife since June Cleaver...
God has these clever ways of letting us know that we're getting in our own darn way - Instead of saving money, I had to wash (by hand) almost all of the dishes that were in the dishwasher, then dry them all by hand, and then use another cleaner to clean up the mess I made all over the kitchen floor...Uhh..where's the savings in THAT? ~ You may ask? ~
Tee hee..instead of walking to the less expensive "dollar" store that is RIGHT next door to the grocery store, I thot I'd be uber cool an' make it all work for me..
Get it ~ !~ Me? ~ Well, I kept feeling this voice saying"HEY!! What are YOU doing??" ! ~ But I was so much in my own way, I didn't take the 35 seconds to listen...
And after an absolutely horrific week, I am once again listening - and I mean, Really listening to the voice away from me, and Paying Attention to It ~
I could have saved almost $3.00 on a bottle of dishwasher liquid...but instead of humbling myself off of my high horse, and going someplace else (where some dolt told me wasn't just good enuf for her to shop, - i.e., therefore not good for me to go either...) I choose instead to be proud...
And look where it got me...
So, these days, I've been working on a whole lot of Art that is not at all like what I've been doing in the past - lots of colors that I never EVAH thot of using before..and the result is unlike anything I'd ever thot would come out -
In other words -
I've gotten MYself out of the way, and actually LISTENED to what God is telling me to do...
Uhmmm...in other words, I've gotten out of my own darn way! ~
And it feels so much better ~!~
I am happy to say that there are some pieces that I'll put on here in the upcoming days, that I think are far different than what I've done - and I really want to see what the pieces look like to you - Tell me what you think - and then I will see if they are what God has been slapping me upside the head to SAY HEY!!! ~ DO THIS! ...I think both of the answers will be purdy darn close to the same thing ~
That's all I gotta say for now - I'm getting one of my old frames refinished this weekend..well, actually I'd thot (here we go again...) that it'd just be quick-yahoo! finished in like, a day or something...But now that I'm totally into it, it's looking like it's going to be all weekend..
Details - Details make all the difference in the world ~
So, I gotta go see if the breeze is coming into the bedroom, so I can make sure all the windows are open for the nice night - the weather people say it's gonna be cooler...le's just see about that! ~
Tha's all -
I'm gone.................
Lady of The Tulips