So, yes, this is a photo from last year, but the azaleas look so cheery in this picture, that I wanted to share them again -
I just got some more bad news from the secretary o/HOA here..she's now decided that we owe more $$ for our assessments than she or the other board members told us - the day I was told of our ID theft, one of the board members swore up & down that that particular payment would be waived, an' that I could just go on after that...
I knew better than to believe her - after all she'd lied to me before, an' Voila!! ~ Once again we're gettin' the stab in the heart - I came home shaking - I'm so upset - I told this mean woman that Tom had finally gotten a bonus for the 1st time since 2008, but here it was going to pay for our stuiped assessment..her quote..
"I don't care about that!! ~ We have this payment to take care of!! ~And you still owe us extra money!!!"
Yup - fell apart when I got home & am still crying...these people are so out of touch with us working class people, it is just terrible - pompous, mean, arrogant and viscious -
Thats the best I can say about them - and I can't just not pay, 'cause legally they can literally take our house away from us - It's just the worse thing I've gone thru, and it won't be over for some time to come.
I was going to try & get a new project going - well, I have the base coat on a canvas, but I wanted to get part of the 2nd layer on...
Not now - I'm still shaking like a leaf - and these horrid people don't care -
Not one
I'm going to go an sit by one of the windows where there's a breeze..this one window in the studio doesn't cool the room down at all - so the 70% humidity & 84 degree heat isn't helping things either.
I just know I will lean on Him who protects me - just shudder to think what these people will reap when it comes around back on them...........
Lady of The Tulips
Sounds like a nightmare. Take a deep breath, don't let this ruin your health.
thanx hon' ~ I'm trying really hard, but when these people threaten to take our house away from us, I just get so upset, I can't sleep - Am trying to stay strong thru it all ~!~
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