'k...K!!..I know its been something like for-evah since I've been here - but Life as we know it, comes bumbling it's way along into the face of everything we think we know - what we do, where we drive...then the next thing you know, it's wayy past time to sit and have a sweet little chat with a friend, and then you remember you left a dozen cookies baking in the oven, an' now look at the mess you've got ~
That's how it's been here for me lately - Some totally horrid things happened (when I get a chance to really breathe, I will post about all THAT...) but for now suffice to say that there have been days recently, that I stop & think, "Ya know, drinkin' like a fish way back in the day may not have been such a bad thing after all..an', whoo, ya know, those hang-overs weren't half as bad as all this $"$^"*()"$ that's hittin' my face.." ~ I will expound on all that later this week, but for now......
I'm sorry for having been gone ~ I missed chattering away about the woods...the birds who have come back to stay for their summer whoopie-time - I was not so thrilled with the 13-year cicadaes (sp) that came out of the ground, and made an all 'round mess of things...I'm sorry I didn't have a chance to show you some of the flowers that popped up in the yard, but I didn't have the brains to grab my camera at the time...
I'm really glad you didn't have to hear some horrible things that were screamed at me - Glad you didn't have to hear and see some ugly things that were flung in my direction....
But for NOW - Here's a little bit of what my work has moved in to - I'm not doing all that much weaving - it isn't doing what I'd hoped for - and I'm considering other avenues at the moment - This canvas is an example of that - I'd been playing around with some assorted paints, fabrics, and then I realized how much I'd missed just painting - the flow of the acrylics on the canvas..the scent of the paint, and the fun letting-go motion of the different shading and blending brushes - I realized that I'd let it go for other types of creativity, and that I needed to change gears into something other than what I was doing - This piece is actually part of a series that I've started- I don't know where they came from in my head - Don't know how many there will be - And the amazing thing, is that while I've been praying about each and every one of these to say something, there has been so very much more that has happened within me while I've made these - Some things that came out of me that I never would have thot would materialize - but all in a very positive and good way - Tom is pleasantly suprised with this piece, and some of the other ones that have come about -
I'll share those in the week to come -
Right now I'm just trying to get some rest - take it easy this evening - I've been doing lots of reading and trying to stay focused on the work - the work of Art - and letting all of the negative that's wholloped me slide away - I'm looking forward to what that release is going to produce...
I'll let you know -
But for now ~~~~
I'm Gone -
Lady of The Tulips
O LORDY!! Lady of the Tulips!!! THIS is soOOOOooO GORGEOUS!! I LOVE it!!! Your TOM has a good eye!!! SWEET!!!
thank you ~!!~ I was soo suprised tom liked it - ya jus' never know!! ~
I love this one!! So cool!
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