I totally forgot I'd made this..gee..maybe a year or more ago - all on the 'puter, but it was so much fun !~
I have a couple projects in the works right now - my most-best-EVAH news, is that I've been asked to make up some of my Busses for a fundraiser -another woman who owns a Bus is doing a cross-country trip in her own VWBus, and is raising awareness on AI - auto-immune disease - her mother passed away from one form of this illness, MG, and wants to make people aware of the problems in diagnosing the illness, and then the correct medication for it ~ I am so thrilled to be doing this for her - If I can relocate the link, I'll be sure & post it on here -
So I am finished getting the loom threaded today, and will start weaving tomorrow morning - then the cutting, painting, glueing, all those little things that go into making the little Busses - not to mention the stranding of all the beads that are used to hang the Bus from the rear view mirror - Shwoo!! ~ I have my work cut out for me this week!! ~
I also have another painting in the nearly-finished stage as well - I am debating the center of the piece - haveall 96 1/2% done so far, but haveing a dickens of a time deciding the last bit of color...urrgghhh...it truly shouldn't be THIS difficult! ~
But other news - the HOA here is finally being "somewhat" decent over the recent theft of our $$ info. - the last of the court cases are being heard tomorrow and next week for the suspects - I'm not so sure that any of them will see the amount of time the president & board of directors are thinking these slobs will spend behind bars..it's more than likely they'll be in at the most one year...a somewhat decent lawyer can get them out probably sooner than that - and since there are some flimsy "witnesses" to the thing, it doesn't look like much more than that will happen - I am STILL battling with accounts of ours - most companies have been pretty understanding - one I fought with today for over an hour...I finally got someone to listen to me, and they said, "Oh!" - but there are still others that I"m not so sure about...Lord willing it's gonna come to an end pretty soon...
I have to get flyin' on some work now - The weather the last 3 days has been so wonderful - much much cooler and a nice gentle breeze has been drifting across the studio - I am in 7th Heaven..no humidity - no high heat blowing into my face...I nearly want to bottle it up & keep it for a cold cold day in winter. But alas...that is not to be...
I'm Gone ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Lady of The Tulips
I love your little busses and it sounds like you'll be making them for a good cause.
Good computer doodle too.
thanx~!~ I am havin' a good time w/the Busses - lottsa work, but well worth it ~
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