Wednesday, October 25, 2006

>>> This is jus' beginning to get a little weird...makes me wonder if there is some kind of THING that's makin' it difficult for me to move around the world in general without bashing, smashing or altogether beating myself to bits...

The last post had to do with the smashing of my person, an' some of the other thangs associated with the after effects of makin' PAIN my middle name...I'd thot that after the healing of my leg, arm, Self, had finished (or gotten a good run at it), then I'd be over this latest round of damage. What I was Drinkin' is beyond me...actually I'm not one to do the drinkin' bit like it's perceived...more than 2 beers in an evening puts me absolutely to SLEEP...

So - anyway..went to the Truck Terminal last night to get The Husband from work...jus' anothe r evening, ya know...nothing special. I'd told him I needed to use the facilities, which happen to be located in the downstairs portion of the building...there's a Drivers Lounge, with bathroom for men & women (I write this, because some places have ONE place for both men + it gets sorta scary sometimes for me to use those type places...) . The Husband had already gotten into the car, an' drove me across the parking lot to the front bay doors of the truck repair shop, closer to the entrance to the lounge. I'm thinkin', well isn't THIS nice..

Got outta the car, walked over to the smaller door that leads into the repair shop, offices for the shop manager, etc., but realized the door wasn't opening right. So, after tryin' to pull this big ol' door open, I realized I'd needed to use the lil' button-thangie on the handle to open the door....So, I finally get my lil' hand to push down the button, (no easy feat for a weakling like me...) started to pull the heavy door open >>> and promptly open the door smack dab onto my left big toe. An' I MEAN, the full, heavy weight of this steel door, RIGHT ONTO MY BIG TOE!!!

The word PAIN does not even begin to describe what I' to make matters worse, I needed to sorta rush, 'cause The Husband wanted to get home, I needed to use the facilities, an' while all this was rushin' thru my lil' ol' brain, all I could feel was this incredible rush of pain. I staggered into the bathroom, sorta crying an' sobbing, got business taken care while walkin' outta the lounge, realized I had to walk across the building to where The Husband had parked the car. Needless to say, by the time I got to the car, I was almost in tears, was barely walking AT into the car, an' what does The Husband sey? "Oh, all you did was stub yer big toe...."

After we got home an' I got a chance to look at the damage....the toe is double it's normal' after starting to turn a delightful shade of I'm glad to say it is STILL twice it's normal size, an' is now more of a deep purple - black than last nite. Zippa-De-Do-Dah!!! I don' know whether to go find an island to run away to, or jus' go slap the $}&+@#$ outta the next guy I see...

The Husband hasn't said a word about it...he jus' figures it's a little owwwieeee....HA!! I'm hobblin' aroun' the house like I'm' can't get some house work done (Darn the Bad Luck) cause it's too painful to stand on my left foot....

But all this leaves me with the question...Jus' what the $"&+! is goin' on?? I can't move myself anywhere these dayz without a smash-up!! Is this the effects of not enuf coffee in the morning?? The effects of not enuf caffine in the day?? ( oh shut-up...I know that's spelled wrong...) But it's really startin' to freak me out..An' these bumps aren't jus' some little kinda thang..I mean, these are BIG smooshes on' I don't usually get these kinda things. I've hiked up some good trails an' never gotten hurt like I've been in the last 2 weeks!!! AARRGGGHHHHH >>

~~ Well, now ~~ What I've wanted to say there are 2 pieces I'm almost done' I'm so glad that I've gotten to the 95% finished place with them. I'd wanted to get another piece done by now...mermaid peering into a toy chest w/gold pieces ...but I haven't gotten the fabric painting done for her body, an' haven't gotten the right shape finalized either. So, the 2 other ones are Jus' 'bout done...the mermaid on each of them will be watercolor paper instead of fabric...bright glitter, an' fun stamps all over the place on the box the mermaid will be playing on. I know the 2 people I'm makin' these for will be happy with them. They've been a blast to make. Got some goofy lookin' stars with funny smiles on the inside of one box...the other will have a star with a big ol' grin on him...highly approving the Party theme for the mermaid. Fun Fun Fun !!!

Now it's back to the Studio/Sunroom. The sun is warming the inside of the room Sooo nicely, even tho the hight is only supposed to be 50 something...the windows act like such a great solar heater...I've had to switch from wearin' a flannel shirt to one of my t-shirts...jus' too warm in there to keep the flannel thing happening....the youngest brought in a large crate of green peppers the other night, to keep them from freezin' in the 40 degree night temps...the plants still look pretty good, an' the 'maters are still green an' happy...I've no clue why they haven't started turning bad...guess their tougher than I thot!!

Lady of The Tulips -- who's CAREFULLY goin' to walk down the hall + out to the' will look 3 times to make sure The Dog isn't in the way...sheesh....

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