Monday, May 07, 2007

~~ I'm adding the rest of the TAGGED people..don't know why I didn't in my earlier post...maybe 'cause I let my cup of coffee get cold...and it made my brain freeze...

Tammy at Mimmiscal Creations

Jolene at The BLue Cottage

Kristin at Walking with Kristin

Sharon at Rabbithopdiva

kim at photoartist1

Le's see what YOU have for us....

Lady of The Tulips ~~ Who has to go check on the tomatoes an' peppers. The Dog was near them earlier and I'm hoping they didn't get smooshed from her dog-ness this morning...sigh


Tammy said...

Hey you!! I posted my random facts about me just now!! Thanks for tagging me - it was fun! :)

LadyTulip said...

Thanx kiddo!! This is fun, aint it?