"Deep Moon Man" ~ 2011 - C. Spring Bay Studio ~
Tom isn't thrilled with this particular piece, 'cause he sez it's too dark..I thot it has the depth that I wanted surrounding the moon, and the face looks old and craggy enuf to make you want to look at the moon this week, as it becomes full ~ There are all the nooks and crannys that I always find facinating when looking up, wondering always what it is that makes the moon such an incredibly moving force for us small people ~
I got part of those feelings on this canvas - not all, but some of those ~ I wanted to see where the texture would take me ~ See whether or not there could be an additional layer ~ There always is room for added things, this is true ~ But I couldn't feel my way into that layer, so I went into the color of the piece instead ~ It feels like it's at the place where it needs to be, so I'm leaving it for now at least ~
I had so much time spent with the layers - putting bits and pieces into the background, feeling where it all should be appled - kind of like when I have conversations with some people I know - there is always so much that you feel that needs to be added, but the layers that get in the way keep you from saying things that should be included - sometimes that becomes a problem, other times it's for the best - and that's what makes some relationships so difficult ~ I have one person that is so extreme for me - some days so light that it makes me feel positive that it's a good time for both of us - then there are other days that feel as if the weight of the world has decended on this person, and there is no way out of the darkness that surrounds them ~ I have such difficulty with communication at that point, that I nearly choke ~
Ah ...well, today is another day, and we shall see where the hours go - I have several projects in the works - tiny parts here and there of what will be some paintings - some mixed media things - all a jumble thru the studio...
But the back door has slammed once again, so I know that I need to see what kind of fresh hell is waiting in the front room..
Lady of The Tulips
I like this work but I wish I could see it in person. I'll bet the layers show up in an interesting way.
your right ~ The layers are really deep when your right next to the piece ~ Unfortunately the camera wasn't able to capture all of it ~ But you get an idea of what's there ~ Glad you like it! ~
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