Here's a very rough shot of a painting I've been working on ~ It's drying w/the final coat of matte medium as I'm writing this ~ The final piece will go on the outside of a bag that I'm getting done at the same time..why sit around and do only one thing at a time..know what I mean??
And ~ While both of those are doing their thing, I've also got 3 other bags that will hopefully, be put in my shop today ~ I've got some other new things too..but it's been one thing after another around here ~ I'm feeling a little overwhelmed right about now, but I wanted to get back to doing some of my painting, and I figured that combining the two - weaving and a little painting, would probably go together ok ~ I'll have to wait and see how it works out ~ Hope Hoping that it will be a good thing ~
I've been really busy with things around the house ~ Tom & I went to the thrift store last weekend, and even tho I'd been thinking of buying curtains to finally put in ourroom, the cost for them just about knocked me to the ground ! So I figured out that buying some sheets, cutting and hemming them, adding this and that around them, would make for some pretty cool sheets ! So while the paint finishes on my last bag over on the table, I'm going to lay out one of the queen size sheets that we bought ($2.99 ~ !! ~) and get it ready to sew up ~ I also found some curtain rods, "wrought iron" style, very nice..$10.00 ~ !! ~ at one of the dollar stores ~ 'course they aren't really thick metal, but the look is more of what I'm after than the actual "designer" type of curtain rod @Lowes, Home Depot or where-ever ~ And the price can't be beat ~ !! ~ I finished w/4 strands of beads, that I'm re-threading, and those will go inbetween the panels of each of the curtains, hung so that they are a little shorter or longer than the one to the left or right ~ Sounds weird, but when I get them done, I' m bound and determined to take pictures ~ !!! ~ When I was in the middle of some work last week or so, thebatteries of the camera went slam dead right between picture 3 & 4...oh, my nerves...!!!
But that's it for now ~ Off to do some sewing - cutting - threading- and probably grabbing anything that's sitting on the floor of the studio for longer than 3 minutes...tee hee...........
Lady of The Tulips
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