Sunday, July 23, 2006

I'm BAAACCKKKK --- Is that a scary thot? --

I've not done any thing in the ~~ Wait ~~ I lied...actually what happened..I went to my table...looked over the papers I'm finishing for the project in it's file...and suddenly realized something was chewing on me. Now ~~ I will admit that I take little baby spiders and put them outside...I'll move any thing that happens to be a predetor / eater of bugs that irritate my last good nerve...praying mantis's are good so I'll move them outside if they happen to be lost in the sunroom....HOWEVAH....this particular insect happened to be a flea....those NAHHHSSTTEEEYYYY sucking creatures that have no redeeming value....I hate them. I hate them especially if they happen to be trying to make me dead, or whatever it is they happen to be attempting to do. So ~~ Out came the large can of flea powder..shake...shake..SHAKE...

I'm not sure if the fleas are leaving on the next flight outta the airport back yonder....I will say, however...I'm not seeing the little suckers (HA! play on words...) so I'm assuming they are packing their bags an' goin' to Hell Hole S.C. -- (Honest to goodness it is a real place...) They can go there an' have a wonderful time..lots of swamps...'gatohrs....perfect environment.

The tissue paper is still waiting to be attached to the A.M. early it'll go....Now I realize why the stomach is's after 5' my lobster sauce from Fri. take-out is worn off...I mean OFF....

Lady of the Tulips is going now...The morning will be better....promise

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