Friday, April 25, 2008

--- i finally have quiet --- i finally have quiet --- i finally have quiet ---

this may not seem so tra-laa to most people, but after 3 dayz of lots of saws, hammers, generators shovels, yelling, shouting, and general mayhem, i am very happy to say that our house is finished. well -- except for the windows, but the other fix-it's are now done. it feels so good to have the yard without a lot of people going here and there..hammers crashing and bashing...and the sound of each square of shingles as it hits the roof with a horrible thud..makes the chandeler in the front room rattle and sound like it would fall outta the ceiling. the dog has been very good thru all this and i'm happy she didn't totally flip out with all the people. she was pretty overwhelmed an' i can't say as i was in any better shape. now as long as the other crew comes back and cleans up all the leftover stuff -- lots of garbage and shingles..bits and pieces of paper..cardboard from the packing word, there is so much...

i'm getting to the next piece in the studio..thot about how the layout should go, and am 98 percent sure of what i want to do...naturally the piece will be something concerning sea life, and it will be mellow and calm with blue's and greens..i worked on the background color yesterday while the last of the shingles went up on the roof. i really don't know how i got as much work done on the piece as i did, concerning all the hoop-laa. but i kept workin' on it, so it would be finished and ready for all my tid-bits. i've got to find some other paper that i set into a folder, but i'm not sure where the folder went. it has some pages with fabulous color designs of retro paisley and faded blue's -- i grabbed the sheet at the art store the minute i saw it. i think it actually called my name...know what i mean -- with all the cleaning i've had to do for the showings of the house, and the inspection and appraiser in the last3 weeks, i'm suprised my hands are in as good of shape as they are. and if that blasted folder with that sheet of paper shows up, i can really shift into overdrive an' get that collage finished...weeee...

must get some housework done -- didn't have time this morning, as the youngest had to go get coffee...not just once but - o - man i will be so glad when he finally gets his drivers license. shwoo..then i had to drive not too far away from the husbands terminal and pick up some papers for the youngest..get back on the highway an' not get run over by some jerk in a very definite race to crash into some poor unsuspecting guy. i'm nearly ready to kiss the ground in my yard everytime i make it home after driving around this area ---

lady of the tulips - who still has trouble with the shift key and is nearly ready to throw the whole mess in the chesapeake bay...but that'd be littering an' i'd get a fine...sheesh...

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