Tuesday, April 22, 2008

** this iz gonna be QUICK as I'm waiting for the roofer to call & tell me if they can get work started today. It's been pouring rain for 2 dayz an' I hope he's not gonna try & show up in the puddles...But who knows, some guyz are die-hard workers, and will tough it out. But the roof may get screwed up w/no shingles if he pulls the old one off & the rainz start again --

Yesterday we had 2 crews here at once...the plumber to fix 3 leaks and replace a pipe -- another guy from a heating & air company replacing loose piping under the house (and all these guyz crawling under the house in the pouring rain -- my hatz off to them for workin' thru the glop..) and some vent pieces in the kitchen. 4 hourz of work an' lots of sawing, hamering, cussing, yelling and general STUFF -- the poor Dog didn't know what 2 do...plus it was raining so she waz NOT going to go outside -- she juz laid on her couch with a VERY pout-full face. Poor Thing. After all the work waz done it really hit me as to the COST of all this stuff..an' I fretted on how much we'd have to pay at closing...worries, wurries wurriez... Actually 1 Co. didn't charge too much, but the other hasn't submitted a bill yet...

The Husband is getting ready to get hiz vacation pay available, so we can use that for renting a moving truck. He said it will only be a day & a half for us...I think he'z being overly optimistic, but I won't spoil his bubble. He also got a BUNCH of FREE boxes from one of the Logistics Centers just down the highway from our house..that was So Totally unexpected..they would've been thrown out, so we drove over the other afternoon after work & picked 'em up -- Right by the place is an old storage yard for boxcars & passenger rail carz...Wow-- 1930's type passenger rail cars...kinda gave me the creepz..But The Husband is really getting ready to move..expecially after some dolt passed him & The Youngest around a No Passing Zone, next to 2 lakes...the poor guy coming in the other direction almost drove into one of the lakes to avoid a head-on...So ...The Husband is jus' tired of all the aggresive drivers, an' even tho he drives the truck in the mess daily, he just doesn't like to drive the car around in it anymore. Can't say as I blame him..I can't stand it either.

I"ve got 2 projects near completion, & will post later this afternoon -- The Youngest put this darn computer shelf on lock, so I'm balancing the keyboard again on my thumbs, juggling it an' trying to keep from droppin it on the floor...my armz are gettin' kinda tired, an' I jus wish he WOULDN"T DO THIS...no wonder he left to a temp job this morning kinda in a hurry..probably knew I'd YELL at him...toad..

>> But back 2 the projects >> one is in colors I've never really used, an' is a work for me...somethin' new!! The other is a Sea Life, but it's just takin' longer to do 'cause I've worked on it in-between all the workers...My Poor Carpet!! oh well...I'm gonna go out & get 2 more strandz of beads done, an' then put together my sea piece..it's kinda trippy, but I fig'red if The Husband likes it, then it may not be too bad! -- He's usually Very Critical of my stuff, so that keeps me on my toes!! Lots of greens are comin' 'round on this one, too.

Lady of The Tulips -- who's gonna go rest her thumbs from holding this ratty old keyboard...shwwooo..

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