So, since the weather has been this side of horrid, what with far far too much snow and temps that refuse to come UP to 30 degrees, I decided to throw a picture on here of the Bus Festival we went to in Betsey last July..
Why yu Ask?? ~
BECAUSE..tha's why ~
No, serious lee...because it's just a touch warm today, and I'm not throwing in as much firewood into the woodstove this afternoon, so I'm starting to think of the coming season for camping, hangin' out w/fellow Bus People, and generally Doing Nothing but jus' havin' fun ~
Cold Weather has a tendancy to do that, don''cha know??
And I'm also blowing off a project that I've been battling with for the last 3 days, so to me, it's far far more fun to look at some great spots that we've spent time at, chillin', talkin' with folks ("Volks..") an' doing nothing. Beats work anyday..
But then ~ Work has to Get Done, so I'll probably HAVE to get back to my little table and get something accomplished, but for now I'll jus' sorta sit an' look at this fantastic location, and think about how I'm gonna start looking for supplies to get ready for the Camping Season that's just a matter of weeks away..Yikes ~!~ For Real - In march, is a get-together, so I better get myself in Gear..or something!
I'm Gone ~~
Lady of The Tulips
Wish I could be one of those VOLKS in your neck o the woods!!! Too early to get marshmallows altho I'm going to make some ambrosia pretty soon with mine!!!Yummy!! and Happy belated Birthday to Gabriel!!! January 23, a Beauty Full day to remember!!!
It was a great day when Gabriel arrived ~ !! ~ On a Sunday! ~ and here's hoping that today will be a Great Day for You Dear Cinda ~ !! ~ Hugzzz..
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