> One of my recent sketches, that hopefully - will get placed onto one of the little cell phone bags that I have some yarn worked up for <
This was one of those afternoons, where I needed to feel like I had something accomplished for the day, but there was nothing left in the ol' Mojo inside o' me ~ I could NOT for the life of me come up with anything that seemed like it would come out the way I had it looking in my little head..
But then, this sort of grew out from another sketch that I'd made some time back ~ And even tho I love-loved that sketch and eventual painting, the DISASTER was, that when I put the final painting onto a weaving that got made up into a cell phone bag..
The bag ended up with a hole in it ~ !!! ~
I have no way - at least to my mind - of repairing the hole, and there isn't any way to fix the hole that doesn't look like something BAD has happened..so I'm stuck with a nice painting, don't get me wrong...but the Cell Ph. bag is a DISASTER~!~
And then this whole week has been one disaster after another..too many off the wall weirdness to talk about..including my handbag (that I use everyday) getting thrown out into the middle of a rainstorm, into the back part of the property..) ~ Yeah, it's BEEN that kind of week!!
But there are some nice little new goodies that have been made, and barring another disaster with the final touches of a cell phone bag here and there, on here there SHOULD be a couple of these sweet goodies all polished up an' lookin' good ~ !! ~
As long as the Universe doesn't throw another loop in my face ~ ! ~
Must go as I'm starting to hear some bADDDDD noises from the other part of the cabin ~
I'm Gone ~~~~~~~~~
LAdy of The TUlips ~
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