>> Here is what became known at the Bus Festival, as the "Tiki Bar" <<
A great idea put together by the fellow on the right ~ He'd bought the nice pink umbrella, all sharp in color, fluffy with whatever it is that it's made out of...an' got a small cooler, a portable table, placed with rocks etc. on the bottom underwater to hold it in place...an' Voila!! ~ A tiki bar was born...uhmm, or made up...or, well, you know..
The shot I got of the "Bar Owner" and the fellow on the left, who put together the entire Bus Festival, was too good to pass up ~ Both looking like they were having "Serious Discussions"...the irony being, what kind of Serious Discussion(s) could ANYBODY have during a Bus Festival?? ~
Thus the picture of two minds doin' Lawdy knows what...
It did make for some interesting questions between the Hubs & me..he said it almost looked scary, with those two jus' standing in the water..looking like there was something afloat...but not the "Bar" itself...
Jus' another one of those crazy moments in the dayz we were up on the river..
AND ~~ I am happy to say that we survived the Hurricane with very little damage to the house ~ 2 shingles on the roof were slightly damaged from one or 2 very large limbs that came crashing down on the house, and bounced onto the ground ~ One hit the very edge of the rain gutter, but considering that particular part is something in the range of $3.50, that doesn't really count as an "Expense" toward repairs..and as the gentleman at the local hardware store said, "It jus' isn' worth it to say anything to the Ins. company anyway..." Isn't that the truth!! ~ So noah got a tube of whats called Roofing Tar, and will make the small repairs today ~ The yard is still loaded with a lot of small branches, and one or two broken limbs, but all are very minimal to the few that were really quite large, and actually scared me when I saw just how big they were...I went to lift one up, thinking I would jus' casually move it off the steps of the deck...Ha!! ~ Who was I kidding?? ! ~ So, noah got that moved, plus some others, and that's where we are today ~ So very very blessed to have such minimal things happen ~!~
We heard from different sources that we had somewhere around 90 mph winds, and that sounds just about right ~ When the hurricane made it's turn to go off further in the Atlantic, then of course the winds did the most "damage" to our place as earlier...during the night at some point in time, (the electricity was out..) I was laying awake suddenly, don't know why...but as I layed awake, I suddenly heard this wind just picking up more and more and more...while I layed in bed thinking, "Well, now, why is the wind starting to get stronger again?..this doesn't make sense.." , I then heard the wind hit the back side of the house with a huge WHOMP!!! ~ WHOA!! ~ I layed in bed thinking, "Well, now, that wasn't exactly what I had in mind to hear today..", when Tom very quietly said to me..."What was that?"...I very politely told him, "I think we jus' had us a tornado, dear..." ~
He didn't have much to say after that...But, again, blessings abound! ~ No damage from that, so we are nearly dancing in the street!! ~
'K, maybe not in the street, but at least we're pretty darn glad!! ~
And I've got some paintings that are done, 4 to be exact! ~ An' 2 in the Almost Finished But For Teeny Bits to Add stage....ugh...those little tidbits that drive me to distraction!! ~ But they've made all the difference in the world!! ~ YAY!! ~
Other news will be coming later this week I believe..something that I've been trying to do for forEVAH!! ~ Ohh...I'm trying not to get too excited, but it Will be pretty cool!! ~ Yup! ~
But for now I need to finish some paper cutting...so,
I'm Gone.........
Lady of The Tulips