>> just a couple more minutes here, an' the picture will appear <<
Well -- more like in a couple days, as the BATTERIES hauled off and went kaappoooott. Oh, no, they didn't like, make a big noise or anything.
They just hauled off and stopped working.
Right when I was ready to take a close up of one of the walls in the kitchen.
Ever feel like one of those days, where you honestly feel like standing outside, looking up toward the heavens, and just KNOW that some odd space-junk-piece-of-thingie is hurtling toward you at 234,394 miles an hour?? Thats how this morning felt when I REALLY wanted that picture to come out.
But, I couldn't make myself go out in the rainstorm and stare at the sky, wondering if there really and truly would be a piece of space junk hurtling toward me.
Just some days it feels like maybe that's what's going to happen.
So -- after I dried my eyes from the tears that fell...Sara wanted to go for her morning walk, so naturally that had, HAD to happen immediately. It had just stopped sprinkling, so the ground was a tad damp. Actually, it's rained off and on for the last 4 days so the ground is totally saturated. The road is all full of puddles, and sara for some reason, just will not walk into one. She walked down the middle of the road this morning, and once we got back onto our little dirt road, then she sorta picked up speed, like she was ready to get in the house.
Within 10 minutes we had another storm.
How do dogs know these things? Should they work for the Weather Service, and make GOOD PREDICTIONS??
Well -- anyway. I worked on my canvas this morning, and got started on another set of sketches that will eventually be another piece. I've got some paints that look like they have MY NAME on them..see..I don't have them YET...but I looked 'em over on an online catalog, and I'm just BESIDE myself wanting to try them.
But Tom has other ideas on what to spend the $$ on. Like getting the new pedestal sink we saw at the hardware store..$119. Not Bad.
But I still want the paints I SAW>>>>We'll probably have to make a compromise.
Just won't pay the electric bill...
NO -- not a good idea...
But --- the ART will be on here too -- I think I like some of the newer things I'm coming up with.
And with THAT -- I'm off to find something to nibble on. my salad from 2:00 p.m. has bad wore off...
Lady of The Tulips
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