So here's a look at how the studio work table is being horribly treated..stuff seems to happen to it, and it just sits there and lets it happen.
I know some people who would throw fits, demand an attorney, and other things too terrible to talk about.
But my little table just keeps me goin', an' even tho today is one of those days where it would be best to go find somebodys nice dock to jump off of, and go swimming in one of the cool streams..alas, it's not to be.
So I am working like a wild banshee, cutting and cutting and CUTTING pieces of paper..all types of colors, and various sizes..believe it or not, they actually WILL go together, and make for a very cool and breezy piece when it's all said and done. I really thot I'd gone off the deep end when I realized how much work it ended up taking, to put all those pieces of paper together on a canvas..but the ol' college cheer keep me goin' on - Well, actually not a cheer, but I felt that if I didn't get those pieces of paper slammed down on that canvas, then I'd just be in a funk for the rest of the day ~ !! ~
So that's all gonna get photo'd tomorrow...along with a little girl who just happened to stop by this last week...she is very polite, doesn't shout and make terrible noises. Has something of a sweet smile about her, and doesn't scream at neighbors who go zipping down our dirt road at speeds that are much too dangerous.
Where lots of times I feel like SCREAMING at the fools...but then, I figure, if they keep going at the rate of speed they seem to be driving, then they'll just come to the end of the road, and THEN won't THAT be interesting ~?~
So, that's all tomorrow..but for now I'm going to go stare in the 'fridge an' see if there's something in there to make me wanna do a happy dance for dinner...
Actually, I bought some pretty fresh mushrooms, have some onion, and tortillas...cheese...salsa.. ~ VIVA ~ !! ~ Looks like I'm havin' mexican tonight ~ !! ~ Along with a cold beverage..looks like I gotta go get cuttin' on the cutting board, now, don't it ~ ?? ~~ !! ~~
I'm Gone.......
Lady of The Tulips
ahhhHHHH! Such a mess to make something but it's all worth it I guess!! hehe Wish we could go jump off a dock!!! hehe Wouldn't that be FUN???!!!Wishin' YOU the BEST too Lauri girly!!
Yahooo ~ ! ~ Le's go race over to the dock an' get ready to get splashin' ~ !! ~ sound good to you ~ ? ! ~
Hugzz ~~ !
Jump off the dock and go swimming, eat Mexican food afterwards? I'm there!!!
Cleaning up the work table? Not so much. I say throw a sheet over it and hope no one with notice, LOL!
HA ~ !! ~ Darla, you got the right idea about hiding the mess on the work table..why didn't I think of that??
An' sure - come on down & join us ~ ! ~ W/swimmin', food, an' whatever else we can find to do ~ !! ~ Yee Haw ~ !!! ~
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