Here's another ~ !! ~ Look at how sweet this lil' guy is ~ I mean, what could be more Christmas than a little gingerbread boy, all decked out with pale "icing" of pearly white?? ~ He has little dark glass beads for eyes, and 2 pearly white beads down his tummy - Yum ~ !! ~
And the best thing is if you decide to have him w/breakfast, he won't make you gain weight ~ !! ~ What's not to love about that??
Ok, so anyway...I'm in the middle of getting finishing touches on the last of my Christmas ornaments - nothing like waiting for the LAST minute - sheesh - I got wayy behind this year, but now that I'm older and wiser, I know to start these things about a month earlier - So, with that thot, I'm already underway w/things for Valentines Day ~ !! ~ And if my little brain is right, there should be some supplies down Ocean Hwy. that I can use for St. Patty's Day - Hey ~ There's nothing like planning ahead - And for my shop it's all about getting your product out there for the public to see and not to get behind - Competing with the Big Boys is a nightmare as it is, so why make it harder on myself ? - So, there ya go ~ !! ~
I'm so tickled with how noah decorated the house - I'm going to take some pictures of how he did up our little christmas tree - the little thing is only 3 feet tall, but he made it look like a million bucks - It almost made me cry, it came out so good ~ !! ~He's got this eye for things that just has always amazed me -makes the most of every inch of space that he's workin', I just sorta throw ornaments all over the place an' hope for the best ~ !! ~ Tom knows better than to even try - he is Not The Person to have to get near ornaments, Especially ones that a bull in a china shop...yup, that's him ~ !! ~ So he just sits back an' lets the things get done. Smart guy ~ !! ~
And - now that the day is WARMER...yesterday we had a bout 1 1/2 " of snow, so naturally everything in the county was shut down...unbelievable - I took pictures of Betsey in the snow...poor little Bus..she didn't look at ALL happy...but today the Bus is defrosted, and is looking sharp as ever ~ !! ~ We may have the $$ to buy a heater for her..hopefully next week - got one we're thinkin' about..but it's always having the Money...ugh...drives me up a wall ~ !! ~
Gotta run & get some more weaving done - Noah's outside an' I think he's considering me driving in the slush oh joy...nothin' like a vehicle w/out any heat...Anybody know what to do with Hypothermia???..jus kidin' ...!!
I'm Gone ~
Lady of The Tulips
Making my rounds to wish my blogger friends a Merry Christmas. You've really taken off with the weaving, hope to see more projects in 2011.
Why thank you Darla ~ ! ~ And here's wishing you the Very Best Christmas Evah ~ !! ~ Hoping to see more of your little ladies in '11 ~ ! ~
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