ok..OK ~ !! ~ I know it's been nearly a month since I was on here, but I've been weaving away 'till the cows come home..or at least 'till the cows meander over to the feeding trough next to the highway..which is usually what I see them doing down the way. Funny lil' things ~ !! ~
Anyway, since it IS December I thot I'd share some of the Christmas ornaments that I've been working on for these last couple weeks. I got some patterns worked out, and started goin' crazy with yarn, ribbons, beads an' whatever else was within close distance to my grubby little hand - if it sat for longer than a day, it was fair game ~ ! ~ I had all these beads for Evah, an' now they jus' look so sweet on the little tree ~ !! ~ I wanted to see if the yarn would hold up well to a bit of stretching and other abuse...well, maybe that's too strong a word, but I did mess with the yarn, an' by the looks of it, it seems to work well under a bit of pulling. Yay ~ ! ~
I think I'll try an' share one or two of these a week 'till the Big Day - I have some more in the works, an' today I'll be messin' with some paints and some more glue. I've fallen in love all over again with my glue gun, let me tell you ~ ! ~ It has given me new appreciation for all things sticky ~ 'course I hate to think what it's made of, but hey, if it can make up something like this, then I'm gonna turn the other cheek...or at least look in the other direction when it comes to finding out the ingredients for glue...and say Whoo - Hoo For All Things That Glue ~ ! ~ ...at least it doesn't smell bad enuf to make the wallpaper fall off the walls !!!
The truck company tom drives for has been slowing down..again. The owner threatened all kinds of #^&&"+ to the drivers..like cutting pay..releasing drivers...but they've heard all this so many times before that most of the drivers just sorta slept thru the "Important" meeting, an' ignored the hot - air the guy was fillin' the room up with. But it may pick up by the end of the month...problem is that during this time of year, a lot of companies don't do as much in production, so it's gonna be interesting to see what Really Happens. We're keeping our fingers crossed for a decent end to the year!
Must get going - gotta get the warp set up on my loom, an' then I gotta get to the store 'cause we're all out of odds and ends..jus' food, no problem...!!
I'm Gone>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Lady of The Tulips
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