"She Sells Seashells By The Seashore" 2006 Spring Bay Studio.
>> I Did this piece for a show back in '06, and since I just got off the phone a little while ago with the local fishing center, the 2 goodies seemed to pop into my wee little brain as being a good combination -- GET IT??!! Seashells...Fishing License?? HA!! <<
'K -- so maybe there isn't too much of a connection with the license and this piece, but I DO like how this collage turned out. I entered it into a show up "north" from here..didn't win anything but was very glad it was accepted to be IN the show. I'm not sure if I'll try an' have it in something down here or not. Haven't gotten that far in my little thinking. There are some pieces on my little work table that in THEORY will be a new collage, but right now they are just not going together like I want them to. I've reworked the layout more times than I can think...something about getting the colors to not wash into each other seems to be the sticking point with me. I just need to get a good color choice -- so that there is a distinct opposite to each paper. No visual blending for his new piece, I think a good Opposite Attraction is the key for me. I can't seem to JUST get the decision made. And it's driving me about out the window.
>> The last couple dayz I've been battling a little bit of an ear infection...It's so DUMB how it happened << I was scratching my right ear, right near the opening, and by accident, my fingernail caught just a bit of the interior portion of my ear canal, and WHAM -- it hurt like all He** and get out. Then it Stopped hurting, and I went on with my little life. THEN ~~ 'bout 3 dayz ago it REALLY started bothering me, an' I realized it's also getting swollen...DAYUM..and hurtz too. So -- since it takes everything this side of an Act Of Congress to get up to the city to see my Dr., - - I'm going to Instead, go to the Herbal Grocery Store tomorrow an' try some Herbal Ear Drops, an' see if they get rid of the little Stuff that's happening in my ear. I can hear fine, an' all that..it's just sore and bothers me -- my equilerium (Oh HUSH about that spelling!!) is kinda off, too. Like when a cat gets some of it's whiskers cut or mising, they kinda walk sideways ~~ That's what I feel like. Like I'm walkin' all sideways or something...Blast...
So -- that's it from the Edge of the Sound -- I tried to tell Tom that I wanna get my liecense to FISH..but he was off on some tangent 'bout a song he heard on the Oldies radio show...no wonder my nerves are so shot these days...
For all of you going out & About tonight ~~ Be Careful ~~ Don't wake up feeling all wonky and all THAT from too much FUN on Halloween!! I don' wanna know about any guggy headaches tomorrow!! HA!!
Lady of The Tulips -- wondering when the last time was when she went out for Halloween...wow...longer ago than she really wants to know...
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