Here's the piece that I've been talkin' about the last couple took a little longer to finish some of the pen & ink than I thot it would..mainly 'cause the original pen that I've had for for-EVAH, hauled off and ran out of ink.
That made me dig around in my antique hutch to uncover another pen I had..only to discover that it has > as in the words of The Husband.."Issues..."
The thing won't work in, it runs the ink jus' as nice as can be, then jus' decides that it doesn't want to work I have to go over areas that I've already set ink' then the thing starts to work right...then stop...then...
So you get the idea..something that should have gone in a flash, took like, 3 days longer than I planned. So goes "Planning" - But I got thru, an' here the new little girl is..she is jus' a tad different than my earlier "girls", but she's kinda fun.
I've got some other work over on the table that I'm jus' itchin' to get finished, so I gotta make this quick. Plus Noah is lurking in the kitchen, an' I've got this feeling that he wants me to go somewhere an' do errands for him. I can't even think of the miles I've driven in the last wonder this piece seemed to take so long to get done...I worked on it inbetween driving all' out here in the country, where the closest "store" is 5 miles...well, you can imagine how nerve racking it is, when The Husband leaves me his car, saying..."Oh!, it's got plenty of gas for you to drive around in..." - YEAH..if I was going down the street an' comin' right back ~ ! ~ it's been one of those weird some guy screaming at me about a' come to find out I was directed to the wrong department...
An' I STILL don't drink...wha's up with THAT?? ~~ after 3 days of odd-ball companies screaming at me (again, wrong departments...) an' Tom sayin' that he's not sure if there will be overtime for the rest of this month (so much for payin' extra on bills..) I'm not sure if my brain will stand this STUFF...
Did I mention we have a wren nest in the plant out on the front porch?? ~ well, more on that later..I gotta get over to the work table 'fore Noah comes in an' starts quackin' about goin' somewhere...
I'm Gone.............
Lady of The Tulips
I had to enlarge the photo and really study it. I like all the pen/ink detail. Of course pen/ink is probably my favorite medium.
Thank you so much Darla!! I love working with pen & ink, it's been a favorite of mine for for-EVAH!! I could spend a disgusting amount on pen & ink supplies!!
Thanx for stoppin' by!!
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