A little shot of the interior of the Bus - even after all the camping and mess we made the other week, it's suprising that all the beads and ribbons survived the drive ~ ! ~
I took this before the weather turned cloudy the other afternoon. I thot we for sure were getting some rain, but it only clouded up and irritated me to no end. And to make matters even more agrivating, the temperatures dropped like winter was snubbing it's nose at us, saying Nah-Nah-Nah-Nah-Nah~!!~
Nothing that get's under the skin than when it's all Warm and Springlike..then you literally get up the next day and it's 20 degrees COOLER..makes my last good nerve just twinge that much more.
I'll post some other interior shots either tomorrow or wednesday - right now I'm battling with some watercolor pencils..one shade of blue ended up having more grey undertones than I thought it did. So when I went to add some light blue for shading, it looked like it'd been sunk in the Sound for the last 14 years..not exactly what I had in mind. More of a floaty look, not something hit-rammed-and-sunk during some off the wall war 120 years ago.
So, with some white acrylic, a bit of adding of "Ultramarine Blue", the shading that I'm trying to get is slowly working out.
At least I think it is. Once the watercolor paper is dry, then I'll doublecheck, then add the other paints - fun - but there's always those weird little things that crop up to juuust bring you up short.
That's why it's better to say that it'll all work out, than to get flustered more than necessary. Expect the unexpected. Tha's the ticket ~ !! ~
We're waiting to see what kind of storms are rolling in - I know that Tenn. got hammered over the weekend, an' I'm really hoping everybody is doin' ok now - cleaning up after storms is not one of my favorite things, but Things can get replaced. People can't, so Everybody needs to listen to the Weather people when they say to avoid certain areas, don't get near streams and creeks if they look swollen, an' don't get near power lines that are down. Now we just keep an eye on the sky for the next couple hours, an' it'll be ok. Tom said that the wind is blowing really hard up where he called from in Virginia...70% humidity and climbing. yikes - and the temp. is over 84 - I think he's gonna be glad he left a rain jacket in the cab of his truck~ !! ~
Ack ~ ! ~ Speaking of which, I jus' remembered that I left the windows down in the Bus - I made a trip to the grocery store to get items that ran out over the weekend, then went to the Fishing Center to get Noah a root beer, an' never did roll up the windows.
That'll guarentee a good soaking rain ~ !! ~
Most definetly gotta run ~ !!! ~
I'm Gone........
Lady of The Tulips
Hope you got those bus windows up and that nobody or nothing at your place suffered from the water.
Would you believe it ~ !! ~ We only got a little bit of rain. I mean, like maybe 25 minutes of a somewhat "hard" rain. We are so very very fortunate, while just a state away it came down like there literally was no tomorrow. Unbelievable.
And yes, I did have the Bus windows down just before it started raining...sheesh ~ !! ~
Hey Girly!! I didn't know YOU had a bus!!! COOL! Come on over and watch me dance, I thought of YOU!!! I just got off the phone with Gina and I said , "listen, can YOU hear my music, I'm gonna go DANCE!!" She said "Don't put it on YOUTUBE!!! LOL I must have embarrassed her but when YOU have the stuff I'm fighting to get rid of, YOU just don't fret as much about the little things at least!!!
Dance Away ~ !! ~ That's my absolute to you!! I look like something horrid when I dance, an' I don' even care!! I'll make sure & see your site in jus' a quick minute.
Hugzz to you dear Cinda !!
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