Saturday, May 08, 2010

Jus' a fast - quick - jump - up an' run kinda post, as The Husband is due back here in a I gotta dash this message like Snap!! - an' then get goin'

There is a batch of new work over on the table, but tha's all I'm gonna say for now!! ~ Several different things have come out of the paintbrush and pen and inks, and I'm really suprised with how they've turned out!! ~ I think you'll see the difference in the work when I get all of it laid out on the canvases. I'm hope-hoping that I've got enuf matte medium to get all of the paper down the way I want. Other wise I may have to make a trip up to the city next weekend, an' I just do NOT want to do that. it wears me out thinkin' 'bout it as it IS...

The bus just keept cruisin' along...the reactions from people run the whole spectrum..some people really like to see it puttin' down the street, other people are just so rude and nasty it just about scares me to pieces. I mean, there have literally been people that have tried to sideswipe me, an' run me off the road..other people have come racing up behind me, and almost rear-ended me. The irony of some of those drivers, is that the people who come up behind me, are usually driving those extremely high-end vehicles, and I'm thinkin'..Are you DAFT??? ~ You're driving a $50,000 Mercedes Benz, an' your drivin' that thing like your a complete IDIOT ~ !!! ~ AND you wanna try an' make this Bus run FASTER???

It's either that thot, or maybe, "Well, you probably should NOT have had that second gin and tonic over at the clubhouse, 'cause now look how bad your drivin'..."

Either way, I just keep goin' on down the little country roads, listenin' to my Bluegrass an jus' doin' my thing. And lookin' at all the lush green growth of all the fields, woods and streams must have had a good effect on me, 'cause my work is definetly showin' it...

There..I gave you another tease on my work...but trust me, it is different for sure.

But with that, I gotta go - The Husband is due in like 2 minutes, n' he gets pretty cranky if I'm payin' attention to him. PLUS - he SAID he'd buy some steaks to grill out tonight for Mothers I wanna MAKE SURE he bought them suckers...

Or else you'll be able to hear me from where you are ONCE I LAY INTO HIM!!!


I'm Gone..............

Lady of The Tulips


Janet said...

Happy Mother's Day....enjoy those steaks!!

LadyTulip said...

Oh! ~ Why Yes ~ !! ~ You have a Great Mothers Day too ~ !! ~ And a Wonderful Weekend to go along with it ~ !! ~
