Friday, April 10, 2009
"Untitled" -- 2009 Spring Bay Studio
>> Here's the latest little batch of fun I finished just yesterday <<
The fishie are something I put toGether the othEr day whiLe watchIng a BaSebAll gamE --one of The LaSt Spring TraiNing games from Florida..SOO naturAlly, looking at hOW nice it WaS doWn All soRtaa fermented in mE little Voila!! -- now If I CaN just get a namE for them, then it's all goNNa Be finE --
I've got a Canvas DryIng on The taBle right now -- it's got 3 coAts of PainT an' some goodies, so IT's gonna be A gooD DaY or So befoRe it's gonNa be dRy Enuf to meSS with...I'm lookinG forWard to GetTiNG it workED out...maybe just a LitTle mORe paInt..aN' a cOUple exTrA's..yess...then it's GoNna be good. I've got some SkEtcHes on the table Too -- HA!! -- thEre muCh different thAn somE of the StuFF I've been doIN -- so Do Let me KNow what ya ThiNk --
TomoRRow The Husband & I are goiNg to the dR's office -- tom HAS to gEt his bLood PreSSure' my oTHer EaR is BothERing's BeEn weIrd for a couPle weekS, but I coulDn't bE thInKin' aboUt goiNg to the Dr. offIce, when theRe's been sUch liTTle work...a DaY off for ToM right now would BE BaD..since they'Ve haD so few Full 10 hoUR days -- maYbe 5 wEEks ouT of tHe pAst 4 moNtHs have been 40 FreigHt comINg from overSeAs...tha'S not GoOd. And no AnSwer in siGHt...blast...SOO -- what All tHat I wIll geT mY heAriNg checkED' pRoBabLy morE tElLing whAt aLL I'l be loaDed doWn with..wheee....
> Must go AndD check my CaNvaS -- it's supOsSed to bE dryIng with No cRacKs in it..WhEn it'S dowNLoAded, I'll shoW why thAt's iMpoRtant...<<
Lady of The Tulips
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