>>> Well <<< This is probably going to be a short post, 'cause I'm in the process of getting the camera to BEhAVE iTself an' get the last blob of paint on a canvas...then finish my blouse...then get some stitching done on another blouse...my, my -- how do people jus' siT around And Do Nothing all day?
The weekend was quiet, so we had the chance to just sit on the deck an' have a nice salad on Sunday Afternoon -- Tom made it just so, with cheese on top, raisins, mushrooms, 2 different lettuce blends, it probably had too many calories in it, but since it was basically the biggest meal of the day, then it wasN't so Bad! -- I took the opportunity on Sunday Afternoon to throw seedZ all over the garden spots along the FrOnt of the HouSe -- marigolds that I've kept -- they got thickly PlaNtEd under some small trees..along with CoSmoS -- NasTurTiums...It was such a niCe DaY!! --
It made up for a WeIrd DiscoVery -- someone, I guess on SaTurday NiGht, came around our corNer too faSt, aNd droVe their Car into the Ditch that runZ alongsiDe the driVeway...HumPH!!..the NeRve!! -- big ol' tiremarks, all down in the mud. WHa' ThE??!! -- Dolt. It made ME somewhat UpSet, butThankful thAt we slept threw the whoLe thing. I also threw some sunflower seeds in a spoT neAr the kiTchen winDow -- finGers are CrosSEd that they'll come In -- that'll be cool!!
Tom had the BRAINSTORM -- of the year -- when we had to go An buy soMe stuFF at the stoRe -- alWays thingS at the HardWaRE store are fAr too overPriced, so he SeZ to me --"You still got that Gift Card from Christmas?" -- uhhh..."Yeah" --- POP!! -- so he chEcks the balance on it, an' lo & Behold, we had $50 !!! SCORE -- so, with that little tidbit happIlY in my pocket, off we went -- got some hardWAre for my old Dresser That NoAh is refinishing..went an' got a sandwich drink and snaCks at SubWay (YUM!!) got a VeRy Cool Sun/Star windcHiMe @ BigLots..then finally used our checking AccOunt to get foodies...Whatta Day!! We saved $20 on top of it using a different sToRE for our WeeKlyFood-stuff..I'd buDgEted for neArly $100 -- but WiTh sales An' coupons...$82 for theWEEK!! --
We weRenT quiTe danCing in The PArkIng lot, But we SuRE were close!! HA!!
So Now it's Waiting Time for the weAther to warM baCk up -- we had tornado watches & WaRninGs most oF the Day yesTerday -- I CouLd heAR the TornAdo SirEn off In Town, but whatever it WAz, it blew pAst us..SHWOO -- so now it's chilly (It'Z been In The 70's) -- an' tonIGht it's to be in the 30'S -- NNNOOOOO -- so the BaByplants in The BedRoom Window will NOTbe set outside till laTer in The WeEk...don' wan' 'em to GeT brown An' baddd...No!! Got 'maters seeded in poTS yesTerday..pepPers too!! - Yeeehhhaww - so h0peFully thoSe'll come up Soon! YES!!
Must go an' get WORK done..no morE mesSin' aroun' !! It's a SuNNy day so I may Do SoME work outDoorS!! WEeE...
Lady of The Tulips
I always try and plant some sunflowers but the ornery deer always eat them before they are a foot high! I think I might try to plant them on my front porch and they had better NEVER come on my porch!!!LOL It's snowing here today! I'll plant some things SOMETIME!!
>> Ack!! << Those ornery deer!!
Yesterday, noah suddenly yelled from the kitchen -- "Ma!! You just missed the Deer in the yard!!"
I immediately ran in there, an' asked how many there were...
"Five" SAY WHAT??!!!
The Battle is On For The Garden!!
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