Monday, April 20, 2009

Well now -- here's a little "Before and After" -- and probably explains why I feel tired still today..all these books, odds and ends nearly did me in, but I Fought On and finally got everything in a place where it A) - either is within reach to read, research, or jus' look at.. -or - B) - Has been shuffled into a paper bag to be donated to the Salvation Army, CHKD Thrift Store (a nonprofit that gives aid to children with life-threatening diseases at a large childrens hosp. in Norfolk, Va.) or just flat out thrown out the window to be taken to the land fill.

Some of my books are naturally going to the thrift store...lots of people like to read old copies of what had one time been a best seller, but Lots of the books just don't interest me anymore. And, too, there are all of the Poltical Science books that I used at Univ. of Connecticut...all those dry, dull, boring essays on Nuclear Use and Disarmement...why Government Procurement Doesn't Mean Aide...I tried to casually hand over one of those books to Danny when he was here a couple weeks ago. Actually I thot I was being Very Clever.

"Hey, Danny! -- Wanna couple a' books?!!"
"Sure, whatta ya got?"
And I casually picked up a tomb of 650 pages -- all about Goverment (SP) Spending...Arms Treaties and National Security..

"WHAT IS THIS??!!" -- he yells, laughing at the same time...

"You SAID you would take one of my books..."

"OH GAWD!! __ Youhad to READ this??!!"


So -- now the floor is Back to Normal, or as close to being cleared of junk as I can get it this morning...the books look pretty good on their little shelves again..and noah has decided to use another desk/hutch for his books and odds and goodies, instead of MY bookcase...

And I haven't even gotten to the painting of NEW things on my work table...

But all thats for another day...The Dog is sitting out in the hallway..she was pestering me a little bit ago. She can tell by how light it is outside, whether or not it's "Time" for her to go out on her little morning walk. HA! -- I say Little...with her, it's basically dragging mother halfway down our little dirt road, till it meets the pavement, then down and around another block...and back up the dirt road. She Wears Herself Out dragging me all over the place. But ya know what>>it makes her tired enuf at the end, that she won't bother me about going outside again till wayyy later in the afternoon..HA!! Works like a charm...

Lady of The Tulips


Sharon P Pope said...

WOW! I need you to come to my house! LOL Yours looks great! :)

LadyTulip said...

Ha!! -- Thanx!! -- Believe me, it nearly wore me slap out gettin' all this done!!

Now it's time to start painting the kitchen...ahh!!


Krystin Clark said...

The bookshelf is totally calling my name, inviting me to sit, browse pages, and enjoy a cup of tea.

Then it'll be an art free-for-all.

Whaddayathink? :)

PS: If tea is too puritanical, I'm *very* easily corrupted

LadyTulip said...

~~ Oh Krystin!! You know that's about how I felt once I got done, believe me!! ~~ Tom sez "No Ma!" Pooh. A Cold One waz what I WAS thinking!!

Glad to "see" you !! By the way!!

Thanx for stoppin' by, girl!!
