Tuesday, August 25, 2009

~~~ Wellll ~~~

This morning it seemed that there was no way to sleep in..or at least till the time that I usually wake up -- Our neighbors got up and on their way in their gigantor-huge motor home at 5:45 this morning..with the sound of the disel (sp) engine roaring away, and the 2 of them shouting at each other about this, that , an' something else...how could I sleep?

Then there was the sound of the other neighbors doin' who knows what..an' that jus' made me toss and turn till it finally became Real Clear that it was goin' to be an early day for Ms. Tulip...

>> But tha's ok, 'cause it got me out and onto the deck to sweep up all the bits from pinecones that the squirrel is tossing here and about. She did the same thing last year from wayyy up high in the pine tree next to the deck..then she hauled off and had a litter of about 4 babiy squirrels. Looks like it's gonna happen all over again. <<

Then it was time to feed Bub his breakfast..he will sit and MEOOOWWWW for EVAH 'till i get some of the dog food poured into his ittle bowl. Poor string-bean lookin' thing, but he is a Very Good Cat, which irritates little Miss Muffett no end. She'll go clumbering out on the deck, make a bee-line for the cat, bother him no end, then go out into the yard to do her business. Then clambor back on the deck, bother the cat some more, an' usually BARKKK at him, which makes him even more irritated, then the dog meanders back in the house.

And all this happened this morning before 8 a.m. ....

Then Tom had to call to tell me something that didn't really sink in, 'cause at the same time, the dog was Bothering the cat, an' I had to go rescue Bub before he swiped his claws all over the nose of said Dog...

Then the stereo was acting up an' I had to go mess with the speaker thingies..

And finally after doin' all that, I got my bowl of cereal..which I can't even remember what I ate..not Cocoa-Rooieees, or whatever Tom bought the other week..some semi-healthy sorta something this morning.

An' all I wanted to do was get a frame painted..do some Cutting of Paper...an' maybe try to sketch some fishies.

Well -- it all will get done.

Just not this morning, 'cause it is now After-noon, an' all the Things To Do got sidetracked, an' now I gotta start the Sketching For The Day -- just a couple hours later than I'd planned.

And there is no full moon. Just a weird morning that threw everything all to He** in a handbasket.

So what's new with you??

Lady of The Tulips


turquoise cro said...

Phew! NEVER a dull moment though, huh??!! hehe BOW-WOWWWWWW- MEEEE-OWWWWWWW!!! and I WISH i was in a motorhome right now breezing up the road to somewhere! I LOVE road trips! It's HOT here, hope YOU don't see very much of Danny!!!

Unknown said...

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LadyTulip said...

Can U believe it -- 2 storms in less than, what, 10 days?!! Yikes!!

>> Yeah, the motorhome idea is REALLY great!! -- Let's Go!!
