Well, here is little miss sara, escaping to somewhere ELSE, so she won't see the camera. I've never seen a dog who so badly, and i mean BADLY hates a camera. There's something in the sound that it makes that does some kind of thang with her hearing, and that in turn makes her do THIS..
An' when you think you've got a nice picture of her, off she goes in a complete other direction, and all your left with is a blur..I think it all started last summer/fall when I kept trying to get a picture of her with that horrid cone on her head, from when she had surgery. Ever since then, she gets up and moves like all $#^&"*(" and get out when she sees me walkin' toward her with the camera.
How do they know what our intentions are? I could have been gettin' ready to take a picture of the little antique bank on the coffee table..I mean, Come ON! --
Well, so...now she's sittin' on the floor, actually on the right side of this very same coffee table, with noah sittin' on the couch, watching something on the BBC...no clue what...sometimes I'm scared of what's on tv these days. No -- I mean, he doesn't go for any risque type things, it's one of those neat antique/auction shows actually, but sometimes he turns on these odd ball shows where some dude is climbing up an horrendous mountain, and eating lichen and mosses to keep alive. Noah thinks it's pretty great. I think the guy needs some serious time in a psych. office, but whadda I know.
And we are once again in the rain/clouds/dampness EVerywhere and no relief in sight. First this week was the 96 Degree heat, and no breeze to make you feel better. Then it was the heat, mixed in with some fierce storms..then it was the storms, winds, trees swaying like they were in a dance contest, and now it's cool, but damp and sprinkly. Is that even a word? -- Well, if it wasn't, it is now. It's sprinkly outside, and the dog wasn't impressed when she went outside to do her thing. So now she's pouting, sitting next to noah, and milkin' it for all it's worth. Feel sorry for ME!! - I had to go OUTSIDE, and it was WET in the GRASS! UGH! -- Oh, the very THOT of it!!
She really does act that way.
Then I have to give her a stern look and tell her that she's absolutely spoiled ROTTEN!!,. an' should just get OVAH it.
Fat Chance.
So I've got some of my canvases in their sweet frames -- that was an act of congress --well, not all of the canvases were difficult to frame..but one of the frames that I got at the thrift store the other weekend, is made out of some kind of cheap wood, and the dye that was used on it and with the varnish, has an undercoating of a rough red..almost a pink undertone, that kept turning pink every time I'd get some primer on it. I had to slap on 3 coats of primer, then 2 of plain white, then to antique the frame some more, I had to go back over those coats with a thin coat of brown sienna, and THEN go over that with a thin coat of white acrylic. It absolutely wore me slap OUT -- serious. By the time I was done with all the sanding, the painting, and the sanding in between coats, it'd been something like 2 hours spent on the thing.
And that's only the BACK of the frame.
I haven't even gotten to the front of the frame yet. I set the frame against the shelf next to the work table an' told it to try TRY to behave itself an' I'd get back to it sometime today.
An' then maybe tomorrow...
But for now I gotta get a check on my laundry -- I've got some things to do this weekend, but I don't wanna spoil things yet by blabberin' where all I"m goin' -- I'll just say that I gotta get my stuff around here done, 'cause I've got no idea if I'll be able to get house - stuff done over the weekend.
I'll fill ya in on what happens after the weekend is over.
Lady of The Tulips
Ick! It's been hot here too! SHUCKS! I wish YOU could have got a better pic of Sara!! She is a character now, isn't she???!!! Good Luck for whatever YOU are doing for the week-end mystery lady!! hehe I LOVE a good mystery! How bout a hug too?!!! (((((Lady T))))))
Good Luck for whatever YOU are doing for the week-end mystery lady!!
Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.
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