"Relax" ~ 2009 ~ Spring Bay Studio
This is the canvas I mentioned the other day - you would not believe how bad the original looked..I MEAN ~ it was nothing to discuss in Polite Company, if you know what I mean.
Kinda like the old episode of Seinfeld where Elaine looks at Jerry, when people were making fun of her dancing, and she very sadly asks,
"Jerry, Do I suck?!"
Well ~~ this canvas said more than that ~ It Really did suck, and it was so bad that I threw almost all of the papers away that were originally on the thing. I don't know what I was trying to do, or where the idea for the mess came from, but trust me, it was really bad.
Not to say that this is truly the bees-knees, but it's a far cry from what it had been just days ago.
And ~~ To make matters even more bizarre ~ The Husband waltzed in the cabin door the other day, all early and not even near 5 p.m. in the afternoon..Scared Me To Death. I thot immediately that something bad happened..like he hauled off and smacked the Terminal Manager across the face 14 times or something.
Ends up that the Holiday Season is here, and since all the Christmas Goodies got delivered last summer and early fall, now all the Spring Things are pretty much where they need to be, so the holiday slowdown is starting to take shape. Not so many freight moves for anybody, and the people working the Ports are taking their sweet time doing anything....So,my fear quickly went away.
But now it's a rethinking of the Christmas Presents for the rest of the family that haven't gotten purchased. Some tightening of the belt, just a little bit more, and then some creative ideas have got to start popping up. That's ok, 'cause the 2 left are Tom & Noah, an' it almost doesn't matter what I get them, they are nowhere near picky ~ Some socks, maybe a package of tshirts...
Their pretty basic guys.
No Big-Screen T.V.'s for our family.
Maybe a new rocking chair for the front porch of our little cabin.
That's about it.
But I Do feel bad for some of the other drivers families, since some of them have small children, and you just can't tell them that the Freight People are off on winter holiday an' won't be back to work till after New Years. That just doesn't cut it. Just keep them in your thots and prayers, for sure.
Must go and get some papers lined up ~ Cutting squares and some circles today..I know that sounds weird, but it's all gonna work out in the end. Wheeeeeeeeeeeee
Lady of The Tulips
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