Wednesday, June 18, 2008

One of our flower beds that are Very Happy this Summer...

I took this shot the other day just before we had a little sprinkle of rain. This particular bed of daylilies happens to be just about as tall as I am -- I went up to one of the blooms and pulled the stalk closer to me to see just how tall it was (is) -- and it comes up to just past my nose..I'm 5'4", if that tells you anything about the height of these beauties...

Iwent out and also weeded another flower bed this morning before it got too hot outside...we had the nicest breeze early this morning, so it wasn't too bad while I dug out some unBelievably long and nasty grass was so ugly, and I'm still discovering more flowers in=between all the mess. The irises are really starting to come in better now that they don't have to fight for their life with the weeds, and the other daylilies are starting to come up a little taller, too. I'll get a shot of the flower bed this evening after I get a little more of it cleaned up and it doesn't rain.

We've got some smoke around this morning...the fire that has been burning for a few weeks is still smoldering down the highway from far over 41,000 acres have burned, and it just continues to smolder..all the peat that is underground is burning and causing just incredible amounts of smoke and making things altogether ugly...all it takes is just a small shift in the wind direction, and we're suddenly nearly dark from all the smoke drifting up from the fire. We're not out of the woods yet, so sez the Forestry Dept., but it seems like it's going to be something like 3 months or more before they'll be able to put the blaze out...sometimes it Really flares up, and some of the pictures in the newspaper are unbelievable...50 foot flames just shooting toward the sky, and all the firefighters can do is try and try to get a good containment like around the mess...Tom said that yesterday morning was really dicey for him driving to work..there was a good heavy rain goin' on, and on top of it the wind changed direction, and the smoke just suddenly made the visibility nearly zero..he usually doesn't say anything if there is a rain storm, but when he mentioned the smoke on top of the thunderstorm, then I knew it had to be Pretty Bad. No telling how long this will continue...

Got my latest project nearly ready to get pictures -- it's sorta cool, but then that's Just MY opinion...I keep getting sidetracked with it, cause just out my little window I can hear the county road dept. cutting the grass alongside the dirt road and generally Making Lots of naturally I have to hop up and see what'z goin' on...then I get back to making up the little pieces and parts of my latest project, just in time to hear something ELSE goin' on outside, so I have to hop up AGAIN and see what'z goin' least I'm getting lots of good exercise...

Lady of The Tulips -- who is wondering where some of the boxes from the kitchen have gone --they were here and somehow they've gone into's making me more angry and irritated than a wet hen...

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