Thursday, June 19, 2008

Yes...the top photo shows the state our old place was in while I was craming things into boxes, stuffing what newspaper I could find into little mooshed globs to keep glass items from breaking, and wondering what the #%"@5 to do with just EVERYTHING..

And then I walked out into the front room, and there...doing, as you can SEE...ABSOLUTELY NOTHING...was tom -- in all his glory -- doing, as he sez,"My Best To Be OF HELP!"

I've overcome this nightmare that you see before you...I Even unpacked most of the boxes that got stuffed, crammed and mooshed into the them Mostly unpacked and now have thingz pretty much put away...Well -- there are some things that aren't in their exact Home yet, but they are being much more patient than one would expect, and are behaving themselves until their home is found.

I've also gotten some More of my art supplies unpacked, and it seems like a Brand New Day when I find some more goodies that are waiting to pop out of their box (es) and suprise me with their wonderful-ness...

My, MY, it just makes me feel so happy...even tho I still have mud on me from weeding another flower bed this morning..But You Get The Point!!

*** Anyway *** I'm off to see that the hot glue gun is going to behave and make some beads look wonderful on my project over on my little table...Wait an' see what I GOT!! Whhheeee...

Lady of The Tulips -- who got her new phone bill today...if I just glance at the "Total Due" then it doesn't hurt so much to see how Bad the bill really is....

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