Thursday, November 13, 2008

"Untitled" ~ Spring Bay Studio 2008

One of the pieces I worked on this last week. I got it finished around the time that I started taking my dumb meds. The said Meds are something Satan has created, I'm sure. Ok, OK...they aren't REALLY, but the "Minor Side-Effects" are not exactly FUN. But I think this little piece is just the fun thing for a rainy day.

I called my Dr. office to find out why my combination of meds has been making me WAY too dizzy and icky-stomach-feeling. "Oh, it's the side effects, but it shows that the medication is working." Idon' know whether to feel good about that answer or not. But then there are days like yesterday where I felt fit as a fiddle. (But how a fiddle can feel fit is anybodys guess..) Even took an hour to clean off the piles of leaves that covered the driveway. But zip-a-dee-do-dah, today I feel like somebody slapped me with an ugly stick. Thank the stars in heaven, I only have a few more days of the stuff. At least the antibiotic. The Blood Pressure stuff is probably here to stay.

>> The weather here is cloudy, the temps are nearly hot for thi s time of year, so we're begining to hear thunder rumbling to the west of us. << Sara hates, loathes and dispises any NOISE , so she is sitting nearly in this chair with me while I tap, tap away. The weather people said jus' some rain, but it's beginning to look like maybe I should get the weather radio into order, just in case we get a warning. We get some weird storms along this side of the Sound, and sometimes they aren't even affecting anywhere else. Just within a 10 mile area. Very strange. Tom drove thru a frog strangler on his way home from work one night, pulled into the driveway, and discovered it was as dry as toast here. "What the ??!!" So it's a guess as to how the weather is going to turn this afternoon.

~~ Have to check some painting on the work table. Well, that's if I can get past the dog laying RIGHT next tot me. Ever have a 90 pound dog in your way? ~~

Lady of The Tulips

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