Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Well -- If it seems like I've been gone for just a little while, well here are some of the reasons that That has been the case!! --

I've gotten done with painting the Studio -- How About That Color??!!!

You would not believe the nahhhstie wall paper when I was pulling it down off and AWAY from the walls...there was so much old stale cig. smoke all over it..and it was just the WORST smell..UGH!! -- I did manage to get it all torn off, primered the walls, and NOAH was just the sweetest doll and PAINTED the studio for me!! How Cool is THAT??!!

I got all the trim done along the ceiling and floors..painted the closet doors and did some extra painting along the doorframe into the studio -- Noah doesn't like doing the trim work, so that was my little project.

The color difference has made it SO much more enjoyable to come into the studio now, the room just seems to be charged with a new energy that just wasn't there before. I can't explain it well enough, 'cept to say that the overbearing sadness that permeated the room has now gone. I don't know what the exact story was on the couple who lived here, but it has always seemed that there was a heavyness around them that had enveloped the house, and for whatever reason, this room in particular. I don't know what kind of work the husband did, 'cept that I think he was a Notary Public..and what ever that entailed, it must have been something of a heavy weight on him, and that in turn had really saturated into the Studio.

But now All Is Good!! -- and the little canvas that I got done just before the painting got underway is titled, "Circles, Squares; Dot's and Blots" -- 2009 Spring Bay Studio.

It was a piece that I'd worked on off and on while deciding how I wanted the Studio to come out...very fun and Energy !! made it all come together.

I've got another couple shots of some frames that I'd worked on, too. One I redid in order to get another canvas set into it...that I'll show tomorrow, along with a frame that had been in storage, and Noah had brought it down here along with the little metal corner shelf that's in the one picture of the studio. I've no idea of where the frame was bought, but it does look pretty cool...honest.

Must go & check the wood stove -- we have some DRY FIREWOOD today, an' I'm makin' sure that we are WARM -- we had a dusting of snow this morning, an' naturally the schools were didn't stop Tom from goin' to work, tho. He's over by Raleigh today...have no idea what it IZ he's doing, 'cept hauling freight...

KEEP WARM everybody!!

Lady of The Tulips

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