"I Am What I Am" ~~ 2009 Spring Bay Studio
This is the other little girl that's been behaving herself over by the antique hutch. She's going to have a couple little stamps set along the left side of the canvas, so she's dolled up a bit more than now. The paint got dry on the background before I had a chance to get some blending done that I'd planned all out..so much for that. But with the stamps and some messin' here and there, it should all work out.
I got a call from my Dr. office, not more than 1/2 hour after my last post. Seems that the results from my mammo were in the office after all -- some how my spaced out Dr. didn't see 'em, and his assistant caught them just before 4 p.m. -- So she called me with the news..
I've got 2 fairly large spots - "mass" -- and one that is there, but not so large as the others. I had to quick schedule some additional scans for this next week, and if the mass -ess (i'm not spellin' good today..) are what they appear to be, then the Dr. wants me to start radiation immediately. Not sure how that's going to happen, what with me bein' 70 miles from the hospital, but somehow it's gonna go. I was told that these things don't look too "worrysome", - that lots of women get these, and they don't amount to much...but if that's the case, I'm pondering on why the radiation right away?? -- Maybe I missed the train outta the station at a critical time, I don' know...but that's the news for now.
I got ahold of a woman down the street that sez she's going to get me to the hospital for tuesday - Tom threw a fit, sayin' that he's not going to be taking me to the offices, his boss threw a fit this morning telling him not to miss anymore days off, so it's looking more and more like I'm on my own for this fun little ordeal....an' now noah wants the computer and is breathing down my throat as we speak..so I'll go an' ponder just what the hell is going on..
Lady of the Tulips