OK!!! -- So here we are - another day at the work bench - table - place where I do my thang -- an' now there will finally be some pictures of my new work!! --
I guess I did something on my list of "Fix -It" dealiee things..I am so bad at all the jargon that goes on with computers..but suffice to say that I got it figured out, an' so now I'll add some of my new work -
But I wanted to show my table, when it wasn't too badly trashed on a "normal" work day. There are some fairly neat places in the shelves - the paint bottles all look very orderly, and the piles on the table aren't all sloping off to one side or another. And there are only 2 or 3 things piled up on my work chair.
So this particular afternoon wasn't too bad.
I just won't show how the poor place looks this morning. Suffice to say, that if it was on a continual basis, I'd be looking for someone to come in with a large snow shovel, that would be sure to grab up all the junk that is scattered all over the floor..not to mention along the walls...how it gets this way is beyound me - An then there are those fabulous magazines that show all the Studios - Clean - Orderly - Spiffied up like there's no tomorrow.
What about the rest of us - who not only become Cleaning Challenged, but also find dead bugs in weird places..or find old papers that came in the mail announcing fabulous sales...say, back in July?? Any hope for us??!!
Gotta Run - Hold on - there will be more Stuff in a bit..
Lady of The Tulips
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