~~ "Peaceful Sea" ~~
Spring Bay Studio ~
Here is one of the canvases that I finished just before the wonderful storm hit here the other day - actually I got this done, and had some thots of putting it in the master bedroom, but thot that when the weather people starting talking about the impending storm, that in case the huge oak tree and pine tree directly outside the master bedroom window decided they would want to come in and greet us during the storm, well, it wouldn't do to have this brand new piece all crumbled to smither-eens...So, it was gently tucked inside my antique hutch, along with a couple other pieces, all untouched by anything other than my little grubby paws.
I'm also getting back into the swing of work at my little table today - the winds are Finally subsiding, and the rain, dare I say, is finally slowing down to something under 20 mph. The branches that would slam against the roof of this poor little cabin weren't all that large, but the SOUND they'd make when they hit!! -- I really expected to see some giant big limbs out on the grass, but thankfully, the limbs that did get whacked were relatively small. It's just with the 35+ mph winds whipping those poor limbs & branches from their trees, well, the combination just wasn't a pretty sound. Hope that doesn't happen again for awhile. And how WEIRD that a "tropical" storm changes itself into a Nor'easter in a matter of hours! Wow. I just feel bad for all the people who have had flood and structure damage to their homes. From the newscasts, it seems that all the people who were fortunate enuf to get evacuated, are all ok, and the work of the fire departments and others, were of great help My hats off to them!!
We also caught a glimpse of where we had rented a teeny little duplex up in Norfolk when we first moved up there..the street had, like it ALWAYS did during just a normal rain, FLOODED -- But this time it was SO BAD..that one of the local tv people was on the air, and said he & his crew - "We're Stuck!!" -- From the angle of earlier shots of the street, the house up the street from us, that usually didn't get any water in the yard, had flood water up to and just over the front door!! YIKES - Tom took one look an said, "That's our old street!!" -- One of the sad things, was the newscaster said that one woman who lived down toward the end of the street (It ends at what's called Pretty Lake) had sloshed her way up to the top of the hill where the street crosses another longer road, and she then realized that even if she kept on going, and walked down the other side, she'd be right back in flood water...DOUBLE YIKES!!
All of those things used to happen during some relatively bad storms, but this one was double worse...uugghhh..that's one of the reasons we moved from that part of the city...
SO NOW -- it's drying out..tom got home relatively unscathed from all the storm, and our oldest said, that even tho tons of the streets around him were flooded, he was able to get to his apartment, by going in a zig-zag pattern all around him, to avoid streets under water!! Poor Guy!! -- He sounded tired, and didn't want to go into work today! - Don't blame him, he's a truck driver too, taking linens to & from the resorts all along the Oceanfront. THAT area is a real mess!! -- No telling how long it's gonna take to clean up all that area!! --
But, now that all the dust has settled, I'm back to the little work table, painting a new canvas - got something a little different too, and will try to post it tomorrow. Right now I gotta check the canvas that's been drying overnight, and hope that some small little boo-boo's have gone away. Other wise, it's some quick little paint-fix-ups an' all will be right in the world!! Yay!
Lady of The Tulips
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