Sunday, March 16, 2008

** This is probably going to be a quick an' fast entry this morning **

It's turned much colder today --- we had rain overnight, and the weather people said that there would be a chance of showers. Nothing like there were down in Ga., and other southern states. We were very fortunate not to have severe weather. But, it did rain, and The Husband & Youngest are very happy because they just set out 13 bags of topsoil into the back yard, to fill in where they had to dig out the old pool. The wind isn't too strong today, but it does have a bite to it. And with all the water adding to the dirt/topsoil in the backyard, it should begin to look a little more normal. Where the aboveground pool was -- UGH -- there was a huge blob of dirt and rocks and sand. FINALLY it's gotten some soil on it, and The Youngest sez he'll shovel all of it together this week to make it look more like a yard than a disaster area.

We're not going to look at houses today -- we're goin' thru the fun and spiffy Financial Crap, known as getting "Qualified" for another house. What a bunch of $^$#} -- but all a necessary deal. Instead I've talked The Husband into going to The ART STORE!! --- How cool is THAT??

I haven't gone in a while, and I feel like I've been going thru the heebie-jeebies. No Art Looking...erm rather no Looking At Art Supplies...uh, ugh, and double ugh....I've spent so much time getting things for the house that the Real Estate Agent 'bout triple UGH??

Now I've got some collections of papers, Beads Threads and other assorted THANGS that will get put together into collages. I'e run out of canvas, so those are the MAIN ITEM to get today. "Course if something else catches my eye, well, that's all fine and dandy...doncha know??

Lady of The Tulips -- pondering on why it is -- EVERY time it rainz, The Dog absolutely goes into a hissy fit and has to go run & hide...What'z up with THAT??

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