Friday, September 12, 2008


A cow with a surfboard..will wonders never cease??!!

Tom found this bottle of chocolate mile while he had something like 5.30 minutes to hop into a truck stop, grab something to eat, make a quick phone call to check on the freight he was ready to pick up, dash back out to the truck, start that ol' sucker GOIN' an fly down the road...

The reason he grabbed the bottle of milk...besides the fact that he's a fiend for anything chocolate...was because for YEARS and YEARS I collected cows -- fabric, stuffed animals, figurines, name it, I had 'em. I still like to look at some of the lil' coew I've got, but just don't know where to put them in this new little place. So, in order to jump start my Cow Thing, tom saw this bottle and felt like he just had to have it. How funny is THAT?? I love the beach-ey vibe this little cow' it EVEN got me goin' on a new project. That particular item will be posted on here Tomorrow. But I thot it'd be just too cool and groovy to let everybody take a look-see at this...

The Abstract Art piece is goin' a lot better than I thot it would. I've got all the main pieces for it cut out and ready to apply to my canvas. I hope to have it put together this weekend. I have been told, but will not believe it, "Till I see it" that I'm supossed to go look at a "new" car for us I've said before, we've got to get another car, and so far have gone to Absolutely Nowhere to look at what's available. Each weekend we think there is a chance to go see what's on the market, Tom usually has had to work, so There Goes the Best of Plans...right out the window, I guess!! So, with a quick phone call this morning, tom SEZ !! we're gonna go look. But Before all that, I wanna get my work on here so ya'll can see what's been goin' on over on the little work table. The abstract should be done "In No Time"...but so was the blouse that's still hanging in pieces over by noah's exercise bench...OR AS TOM SEZ >> "I'M WORKIN' ON IT!!" << Thatz one of his favorite lines!! But at least I do pop some of my work on here..An' this abstract is just soo much different than anything else...shwoo-ee buddy!!

Jus' wanna keep ya in suspense!!

The Dynamic Duo is due home in jus' a little bit, so I guess I should go get the laundry in from out on the clothes line. I've also gotta get the kitchen straightened Miss Sara...grab some of todays newspaper an' check on some prices on goodies on sale at the grocery store..see what baseball game is on tonight...

Lawdy Mamma!! ~~ No wonder by 8:30 p. m. I'm starting to yawn on the couch!!

Lady of The Tulips -- who discovered a spiffy shop that sells's just that no prices were shown for one blasted thing...i.e. -- "If ya have to ask what it costs, you don't have the money to pay for it!!"' double sigh...


turquoise cro said...

YES!!! Sunflowers ROCK!!! that BLOUSE will ROCK too!!!
Phew! I grew up with cows, told them my secrets, sang to them, fed them in the winter big ole hay bales! UG! My dad had red and white Beauty Full herefords! Those were the days! I remember walking and trying to find a calf in the snow and I took off my winter coat and layed real close to that sweetie til'Dad found us! I don't remember why the cow left it! I have a blue and white cow pitcher creamer I bought when I worked Parson Souders back in the day! MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! tee hee GOOD LUCK!!! on finding a new car!!!TOOT TOOT, HONK, HONK

LadyTulip said...

** We can't decide on a car!! AAHHH>>> But the cows just down the road are real purdy!!

My sunflowers will be presented shortly!!
