"BeAch Work ZoNe" ~ 2009 Spring Bay Studio
Here's one of the pieces that I finished last week - jus' before I got sanding on the interior of the Bus. This piece almost got carried away..guess 'cause while I was puttin' on some last minute odds and ends, it started to snow..SNOW for cryin' out loud..
An' that does have a tendancy to thwart any Beach-Layin'-In-Sun kinda vibe that could have been goin' on.
Whooda thought it'd just keep snowing...
But today it's actually SUNNY!! ~ An' I took advantage of it and made a quick dash to the store to get goodies before another storm comes in tomorrow. I'd wanted to also post this before I get some shots of the work finished on the curtains for the Bus -Whoo-Boy, it makes such a difference with just a little touch here and there.
I'm hoping too, that the spray I'm layin' down inside the Bus will dispel some of the old garage smell from the guy who owned the Bus before. Nothing wrong with a nice garage,where you get your automobile fixed so you can go cruisin' down the road..No, no. That's a whole other thing..havin' a good mechanic who keeps your car running, you Happy, and most of all, gets you to that local drive-in where they have sandwiches for $2.00 and a cola included for all of an extra $.99 -
But what I don't like, is when you get your car back from said mechanic, and the interior smells like they threw in all those odd smells from inside their garage, and left 'em inside of your car. That's the only thing that has left me with sort of a yuk feeling whenever I've gotten my car back after it's had a tune-up or whatever. An the bus is no exception.
I mean, the guy did a fabulous job on the thing - he really did rebuild a lot inside of it, and it just amazes me that I got it at all - I mean, sometimes owners of certain vehicles jus' get this attitude that unless they make $2500 extra on the sale of their car, well, you can just go find a cliff and jump. But the previous owner - fortunately - wasn't like that..great guy, had good reviews of his shop (which he's had for over 20 years) ~~ BUT ~~ the car has that old-shop-smell-of-dead-brake-fluid-and-other-assorted THANGS...
But that's what those Fabric Sprays are for - "SWEET SMELLING!!" or whatever they are. Worth every penny. An' I'm happy to say, said spray is starting to work on the interior of the Bus ~~
But was that what I was talkin' about? ~ ! ~
My word...I can't remember..
Well, tha's ok, 'cause I gotta get back to some finishing touches on fabric for the windows..got some beads strung and ready to hang too - Plus have some other fabric that may be used for extra pillows..
I mean, after ALL - one can't have a Bus an' not be COMFORTABLE in it, now, can they??!! ~~ Of course not!!
So it's off to mess with the sewing machine some more - an' I got some other things that I'll tell ya about later..But for now
I'm Gone...
Lady of The Tulips
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