Wanted to share a little before and after here..the layout on my screen is off - kilter..but if you can see the old rough panneling in it's "before" status...then you can see the "After" where I did some magic work with some stain..an' a little elbow grease..
As my mother used to say ~ "Boy!" ~ When you heard her say this, then you knew you'd done something good! ~
An' even if I don' mind sayin' so - "Boy!" !! Is just about what I felt after I got done on just this one section of the interior of the bus! And to make it even more magical - we had a SUNNY DAY!!! ~ And with that sun, the inside of my little bus was all warm and snuggly..so it felt like a little cocoon inside..the "new" look of the wood, plus some other things that I got done too - that will be on "Show and Tell" tomorrow. Right now I'm pretty jazzed about the work on the wood.
I learned how to stain wood with just a light touch when we redid a lot of the bedrooms, and bathrooms of our house up in The City - Actually what gave me the idea, was from one of my neighbors -
She was 75 (!! YES!) years old, and re-finished her kitchen cabinets. They weren't in bad shape, but she wanted them a little darker, so that they'd coordinate a little better with some new appliances she bought on sale. She went to one of the Big Box Hardware stores, and one of the employees in the paint isle, told her about the different kinds of stain. She was sold. And went home promptly, stained away all the cabinets that she sanded (!! WHOA!) and whatta difference!
She asked me to come over an' see what she'd done ~ ! ~ I was totally blown away..not so much by how totally great the cabinets looked, but that combined with the fact of her age!!! ~ As far as she was concerned, she was "just another broad..", but she did the most amazing work around her house..her back porch was something that should have been in a magazine...wow!
But anyway - she had me convinced on stain, and I redid the bathroom cabinets in the master bathroom, and some other work in the "guest" bathroom. The people who bought the house, just whooped and hollered (well, not real loud, but they were pretty happy with the work) ~ an'said they just loved the work I did.
Easy Peazzy ~ All together I think it took less than an hour - plus I sanded the back door and also hung up the new curtain that I made a couple days ago. That photo will be on here tomorrow.
But the work is fun - well..ok, it seems kinda messy - but when the results come out this good ...what's not to love about a $4.49 can of stain, a little elbow grease, an' some time in a cosy Bus??!!
Boy Howdy!! ~~
It more than makes up for what happened yesterday afternoon, an' then something else that happened this morning...both filled with Ugly Vibes and Too Much Greed....
But tha's another story.
For now I'm pretty happy with the Bus - And some other pictures will show ya what else has been goin' on - Too Fun! -
But now I gotta go - Noah's makin' dinner..he even came out to see the Bus & nodded his head ~ !! ~ the ultimate for him ~ ! ~ that means he likes what he saw! ~ An' since he know's I'm kinda tired..an' still kinda loopy from the fumes of the stain ("Use adequate ventilation..." ~ Ooopsss...) he's kinda taken on the dinner...Italian Sausage & Spaghetti...YUM ~ An' so not what my Dr. would recommend for dinner ! ~ HA!! ~
But for now..
I'm Gone................
Lady of The Tulips
Looks great! I had a neighbor like that one time....an older woman who did all kinds of jobs around her house. She even added on a small back porch all by herself!
a PORCH!!?? ~ Whoa! ~ Tha's so cool! ~ it's so amazing to discover older women doing such great things! Yeahh!!
Glad ya like the work I've started on my Bus ~ It's really fun!
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