Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Jus' a quick post, as I'm gettin' ready to get some papers cut over on the work table - found some flowers that will be the finishing touch for a canvas that has been bothering me for the last couple dayz ~ Soo close to being done, but there was just something that needed to be added ~ An' it dawned on me that I have some flowers that I've never used, that would be just right to include.

When it gets all put together then it'll make much more sense.

As for now, the rain clouds are beginning to come in from the north, and the wind has been shifting from North, to North-East - it looks weird to see the smoke from the woodstove going west, instead of going east like it normally does. That means with the wind shifting, that the storm is also going to bring some colder temps, and that's not a good thing to discover. I'm just hoping that it's only going to rain..no more, and I MEAN no more of that Other Stuff...humph...

The funny thing that happened just awhile ago? ~ ! ~ I'd popped into the bathroom to grab some tissue for my nose, and in just that little minute, The Dog, AKA Little Miss Muffett AKA Sara Beth..parked herself only 1 1/2 " away from the door..so that when I opened said door, there was this DOG - all 95+ pounds of DOG right in my way - I literally nearly tripped over her...that would have been soo uglyyy..then I'd of landed on my bed, head first, and bringing her with me with my foot all tangled up around her belly.

I sorta-screamed-yelled at the same time I started reeling over..but fortunately caught myself mid-fall ~ Said WHATAREYOUDOING??!! to sara, an' all she did, was get up, all happy cause now she most definetly had mothers Full Attention...an' promptly ran into the kitchen...

She wanted something to eat.

Ha! ~ Silly Me! ~ How much of a dolt can I Be?! ~

So, she got her snack - actually her afternoon medicine pill included in a teeny bit of bread..(she loves the stuff..) an' that made her all happy.

I'm TELLIN' ya - never a dull moment here...

An' did I mention that the birds are already beginning their Spring Early Morning Singing all around in the woods? ~ Very Wonderful to hear...'cept the one wren who insists on perching RIGHT ON MY WINDOW LEDGE AT 6 A.M ...and singing VERY LOUDLY..

Ooohh all right with the Territorial Business!!!! Whatta noisy little bugger...sheeshh..!!

But for now I gotta check my papers just over There...

Lady of The Tulips

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