Friday, March 13, 2009

>>> ok <<

I jus' posted a nice little bit, an' it disapeared out into the Computer World..who knowS where...

Jus' wanted to say that I've been finishing up my apron PattErn -- I'll try & RemEMber to get a pic. of it on here hopefully tomorrow...

It is FREEZING here -- on monday I'd said it was over, get that -- OVER 80 it's a whopping 40 or something like that...lawwdyy mamma..WHEN will WinTer go away??!! NOW!!

Got some fabric to try an' find for a blouse I'm workin' on -- dug out the pattern from a box that 'd been in StoRage..WHOOPiEE -- got it now, an' wanna make something blouse from each package should get me a good stash of stuFF to wear All SuMMEr...yess!!

Gotts to run an' get kitchen cleaned, dishes washed, an' dinner at least wonder I'm feelin' tired!!

Lady of The Tulips --


Carolyn said...

Looking forward to seeing photos of your work!

LadyTulip said...

>>Lookieee!! << An' let me know what ya think of me little sewing project!!
