A very quick post will bee this one...I do apologize for not getting a picture on here yesterday or today, but there has something of a fly in the ointment, as it were, as far as thing go around our little cabin..
Yesterday while I had just gotten to the computer an' started to get online, Tom suddenly came walking in the house. MoST UnexPected!! To say the least..Ihadn't heard from him since about the middle of the day, so when I discovered him waltzing in the house @4:30 in the AfterNoon, I was somewhat startled..an' it didn't get any Better whEn he said,"Wait a minute an' I tell you what happened..."
ThaT Is NEVER something you want to hear if a family member is involved in the trucking industry...
Nd it only went downhill from there --- He had an accident yesterday, tho nobody was hurt, or fortunately, killed. He was driving at about 10 miles an hour, when the frozen load of chicken suddenly shifted in the container, and tho he'd checked the hook-up apparatus for the container, it had not been secured completely, and with just a tiny move of no more than15 feet, the entire container lurched to the right, and toppled to the ground. He wasn't injured, his truck is fine. But the container suffered some damage. And THAT is what is the largest problem. And it may cost him his job.
His boss came down to the Port where the incident occured..took a look at Tom, who was in shock over the whole deal (he's been driving a tractor trailer for over 13 years..) and simply said, "I have no sympathy for you.." and proceeded to walk away. That's a very, very BAD thing to hear.
So, now the company Insurance Manager said, "FIRE HIM", and somebody else in charge of MONEY said the same thing..but it's all up to the Boss of the drivers..and he won't say a word till tomorrow..
So we are making it our best to get thru today..I haven't slept too good..for obvious reasons...I feel beat, still somewhat, no, make that still ReallY shell-shocked, and don't know HOW to feel...can't make any kind of plans till we hear from the Boss...can't even figure out WHERE to look for work...what , where..when///nothing.
I'm not sure how to even THINK --
So, I'm going to go and try to keep myself occupied with SOMETHING, just so I wont think about the accident. Lord Willing it'll all turn out --- but it aint lookin' so good..
LAdy of The TUlips
OMG...I sure hope everything turns out okay for both of you. How can an insurance company have any control over one's employment status.
O! Lady! Thank GOD your hubby is ok physically but mentally it has to be hard to hear the boss say, I have no sympathy for you! UG! My husband's workplace is in UPROAR as of yesterday! They want the workers to work 4 days with a substantial paycut just to not have a lay-off! My husband was laid off twice! Now, the company is penalizing it's older workers, it's all a mess! it pits younger workers against the older, a mess just like the whole country is in!!! Phew! I'm getting ready to stand in a bread line somewhere! It's plenty scary, the shape this country is in!!!GOD help us! O! on a cheery note, Happy SPRING!!! Hope and pray your hubby doesn't lose his job!!
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