Here He Is!! -- Bub in all his glory!!
Actually he doesn't have much glory, he's jus' an old barn cat that made his way to our yard. He is pretty funny, tho. He and little miss muffett have a thing with each other. Actually he has a Very Good Way of making the dog Behave herself when she gets too nosey with him -- he just hauls off and smacks her nose 4 or 5 times, then she backs away from him and all is well.
This has happened in front of me a few times, and as hard as I try Not To, I still end up laughing like crazy. That, or else when I try to let the dog out, she stops stock STILL and wont go out the door, if the cat is standing at the door waiting to try and come inside. I have to start yelling at the dog, "MAKE YOUR MIND UP!!" -- she acts like she is absolutely petrified of that cat..what with him and his little sharp claws..and here she is 5 times bigger than he is, and nearly shakes when he stands up to her.
Pretty cheap entertainment...
On another note, the 'maters are growing along, and it should be a couple more days before I can start gettin' some of those tasty goodies into the kitchen for a good batch of salsa. YUM!! -- an' then it's probably going to take off on me, and I'll be mumbling under my breath about why in the @#$&$ did I ever EVAH plant so many tomatoes...ahh well, the joys of gardening. The Basil is slowly growing out front, but I think if I give the plants another good shot of compost tea, they should start going better. Tha's what I think, but they must have a mind of their own, as I've been thinking that for a few weeks now. -- Do plants have a mind of their own?? -- Well...
Tom is working a few more hours these last couple weeks, but the owner of the truck company is trying to keep the drivers from any overtime, so it seems like he's cutting the chance for the company to make more money from the shipping companies. But whatta I know?? -- And considering it is summer, naturally a lot of the drivers want to take some time off, so that gives tom some more out of state trips, which he doesn't mind, But -- then he gets back into town so late, that he has to stay up in VA . He's had to do this a few times in the past couple weeks, but he's not complaining!! -- He usually stays at Danny's apt, which is close to the terminal, but it is after all, a Bachelor Pad...and along with that is the dirt, dishes piled up in the sink, clothes all over the front room..a Typical Bachelor Pad!! -- Noah stayed with tom one night, and the next day he tried to clean up the apartment..said he worked for 4 hours and "You still couldn't tell if I made any progress.." -- I'm Tellin'you, I DID NOT raise that child to live like a pig...but it is HIS apartment, so what can I DO??!! --
Tom did say that if he has to stay overnight again, he's going to make sure and buy a can of bug spray and some cleaning supplies -- just in case...
Not much else to say, 'cept that I have to go check on the dog..she got all fired up and irritated when I got the camera out..she doesn't like the sound it makes when I take a picture, so she now is hiding under the dining room table, in a definite funk..jjeeeessshhh..
Lady of The Tulips
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