Here's another shot of the little daylilies we have along the deck -- they look pretty happy in the sun, plus we've had tons and tonz and TONZ of rain the past week or 2. So the plants are cheerful and havin a good time.
This morning we got woke up by the local police/sheriffs department --- seems some of the local teens were bored during the night and went around and smashed mailboxes up and down the roads. Ours was one of said mailboxes that got hammered with something, then ripped off the wooden post that it WAS nailed to. The whole thing just seemed so weird, and then this morning noah went out to see what kind of damage the kids did, and the holes under the mailbox in the wood that was left, told the story.
The first thing noah said, was, "I hope they hurt themselves when they did this!!" -- he wasn't impressed by the vandalisim...I jus sorta think it's pretty sad that there is so darn little in the county for the kids to do, that they resort to smashing mailboxes up and down the roads for excitement. I mean,sure, it is a very small community, but there should be something for these kids to do. But I guess with the amount of people living day by day and holding on for dear life, there just isn't the $$ for any kind of programs for the kids to go To. There's alwas 2 sides to living in a place like this -- for some of us it's a quiet relief from the city life, and for others, it seems to be holding them in a kind of "HoldingPattern" -- not quite where they have far too many things to do, and too much money to where they actually are -- living within very thin means, and have little to show for it. Pretty strange.
So the Dynamic Duo are at the local hardware store, buying who knows what to fix the mailbox. There is the very distinct possibility that they'll come back with tons of junk that is not remotely connected to the' then of course, that will give them the excuse to go BACK to said hardware store, and buy more junk that is to "Help" put the mailbox back together. Kinda like Humpty Dumpty....
SO -- what I want to say before this big holiday weekend in the States -- is all of you out there (YES!! -- I'm talking to YOU!!) -- keep yourself safe over the crazy parties, no wild and crazy pictures appearing online of YOU an' all your rowdy friends, "just havin' a little get-together" -- BEHAVE YOURSELVES!! --
There. That's about all of That that needs to be said!!
Oh -- an' don't get yourselves hurt messin' around with firecrackers, either!
Lady of The Tulips
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