Wednesday, July 01, 2009

-- Jusst a QUICK note here to say it is just tooo darn HOT today -- I MEAN -- when i crawled outta the bed this morning, I could hear the poor dog panting away in the hallway, just sounding like she was melting ...which scared me about to pieces. Then when i went into the front room and starting getting the curtains open..checking the front yard and sauntering into the kitchen, i stole a glance at the thermometer that reads the inside 8 a.m. (OK!! -- yea, I deal with it!!) -- it was already 83!! SAY WHAT??!! -- no wonder poor little miss sara was melting in the hallway!!

So for the first time this summer, i hauled off and cranked up the air conditioner...noah is such a TIGHTWAD that he will NOT turn it on, but once i heard the poor dog sounding like she was about to melt and drift away down into the sound, I HAD to do SOMETHING -- and it felt so much different!! I guess I've been sorta getting used to feeling melt-iee this summer, without having the air conditioner on. WELL -- this morning was about the last of THAT!! --

So with all THAT -- it quickly got up into the 90's really fast, so i decided that it would not do me a bit of good to try and go peddaling around the community on my I've already had a close call with heat stroke some years ago. Plus my little mini-stroke 2 years ago. Jus' sorta kinda seems like a good idea to try and keep myself in one piece rather than melting all over the place while riding my bicycle. Think what i'll do is try NOT TO SLEEP IN AGAIN TOMORROW n' get up earlier and get my bike riding in before the temp go up into the skkkiieeee...

Bub is begging for food out on the back porch, even tho i discovered some little bit of fluff out in the yard, that looks like he helped himself to some sort of animal somewhere along the line today..I think he's already trying to find the Soft Spot I've got for little lost and forlorn animals. Blast it all..I think he's got me pegged an' I never even saw it coming. I mean, Sara beg's all the time (oh hush, i know i spelled that word wrong..give me a break...) - I mean the dog will honestly and for REAL walk up to me if I'm ignoring her, and SLAP me with one of her front paws....And it HURTS!! -- I mean DAYUM!!! --It hurts an' then it piss---me off..then I start to laugh..then I try to lecture her, an' then all she does is start to bark at me..which makes me TRY to lecture her AGAIN.which makes her BARK LOUDER..

It's a never ending cycle...

An ' it all started today (again) with Bub meeeeooowwwwwiiing out on the deck Early this morning...

LAWDY -- can I go on a Vacation yet??!!

Lady of The Tulips -- waiting for the next cruise ship to suddenly appear over by the crab boats at our marina an tell me their waiting for me to board the ship..

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