Thursday, January 07, 2010

Ok, Ok..OK!! ~~ I know there are some of you who are wondering about my post yesterday..about how at the bottom of the canvas I've written my name and the date...the name is - well, my name..but the date is sorta-kinda-off-kilter-weird 'cause I've got it labeled as 2010 ~ Not 2009 like on the canvas...

~~ So here's the trick of it ~~ What I have a, that's not the right word..I've got this THANG about tweaking things just after I think their all finished. Yesterday's canvas happens to be one of those THANGS ~ I got it all finished..did the name-on-the-bottom-so-everybody-knows-it's-mine...

Then decided to add some more paint and a touch of other stuff after the first of the year...SO ~ That's why I've got the canvas posted as 2010, but the canvas is written as being done in 2009.


Any questions?! ~

Didn't think so.

So - with all that said and done..(no - actually WRITTEN and done..duhh...) I've got a couple other canvases that ARE done & written on with the RIGHT date being finished an' all that. They are lookin' pretty spiffy, even if I don' mind sayin' so myself. They aren't anything that would go out and change the world or anything..just some little things that speak of the fun of the beach...walkin' on the sandy shore..takin' in some Relaxation and time to breathe..

Tha' kinda thing..

But now I gotta run all quick like, 'cause my oldest is calling me about who knows what..never fails...get right in the middle of somethin', an' BAM! - phone rings...cell phone beeps... rest for the weary!!

Lady of the Tulips

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