>> Ok <<
So here's that close-up shot of one of those blasted frames I worked on the other week...the #^*(_+@@ ones that nearly drove me mad- ? - well, here's a better shot of what I did to "age" them. As far as I'm concerned, the effort to make them not look brand new and shiney is worth all the blood-letting of the fingers that went on.
But thats only my opinion. -- AS for other news - I've got a pretty spiffy canvas dry and all fini!! ~ It's got a lot more color than I thot I'd put on, but it was one of those pieces that seemed to keep saying it NEEDED more color! ~ So, as the saying goes, the more the merrier, right? - ! - So I'm pretty happy with it, and will share it tomorrow. Right now I've got to check on a canvas that got started yesterday - I didn't get too much work done on it, 'cause Tom was home early, and once he's here, it's pretty much bedlam for the next couple hours - between he & Noah, they seem to feed off of each other, and no matter if they think one project in the house is enuf, well, the more they get going into 2 - o - 3, well, that's even better.
So the poor canvas sat on the work table, all forlorn and sad..waiting for me to add some neat elements that I dug out of the storage spots around the studio...an' I've got a new bottle of paint that just SCREAMS to be used..so today I can get those things at least started..or continued? - or whatever stage in the work (s) the thing is IN .. right?
An' with that, I've got to go check the woodstove..put some good oak in awhile ago, but it may not be burning as good as I need it to. ~~ An' too, I need to check the Weather report - the last I heard, we're supossed to be getting some snow tomorrow -o - tomorrow night. And first thing saturday, early, Tom & I gotta go up to the City so he can get chewed out by his Dr. - not eating right..not taking his meds like he should...all those things that I SAY but he ignores..
But we need to make sure we can get TO the Dr. appt. thru any bad weather that's lurking..so I gotta check all that out -
Never a dull moment here...
An' now Little Miss Muffett is making noise in the kitchen...OH - tha's why - Noah's fixin' waffles, and naturally the dog wants one. !! How silly of ME not to realize that! ~ Man, some times....
I'm Gone
Lady of The Tulips
Take it easy if you venture out into the snow...there are always a couple of idiots that drive like it's still summer.
Ha! ~ Aint it the Truth! ~ We'll be checking with the forecast an' make sure to give ourselves a half hour extra, just in case!
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